“WalletConnect” App from Google Play Store Has Been Stealing Cryptocurrency from Users for 5 Months

Cybercriminals have once again targeted cryptocurrency holders. Researchers from Check Point Research discovered the existence of a malicious app called "WalletConnect" that operated unnoticed on the Google Play store...

Ransomware Attacks Less Frequent in Poland but Remain a Significant Threat

In recent years, ransomware attacks have become one of the most serious threats to...

Cyber Attack Hits Ochnik and New Balance Poland, Exposing Confidential Customer and Employee Data

In recent days, a cyber attack has targeted the company, Ochnik, among the leading...

20% of Employees in Polish Companies Have Fallen Victim to Cyber Attacks, CEOs and Managers Most at Risk

Already 20% of surveyed employees of Polish companies admit that they have fallen victim...

Scammers Target Borrowers by Impersonating Law Firms

In addition to the widely reported scams in the media, such as the "grandchild"...

SMEs Must Embrace Pragmatism to Meet NIS-2 Requirements

With the implementation of the NIS-2 directive at the European Union level, cybersecurity requirements will significantly expand also in Poland from October 2024. Thousands...

New NIS2 Cybersecurity Directive Increases Costs and Compliance Obligations for Businesses

The NIS2 cybersecurity directive places a number of new obligations on companies operating within the European Union. The national law of each member of...

Despite No Direct Threat, Ongoing Investment in Military and Infrastructural Security Remains Crucial

The Polish energy and critical infrastructure system continuously maintains a heightened state of alert. At present, there is no direct threat, such as the...

Artificial Intelligence Empowering Cybercriminals with Sophisticated Phishing Attacks

The Guardian, citing the British Cybersecurity Agency (NCA), warns of the imminent threat of sophisticated phishing attacks enabled by artificial intelligence (AI). AI will...

Polish digital industry calls for cybersecurity strengthening

The Digital Poland Association, representing the Polish digital and new technologies industry, has submitted a list of recommendations to the Ministry of Digitization to...

Fake NFT airdrop caused losses for over 200,000 users

Cybercriminals are once again ingeniously exploiting blockchain technology. A multi-step scheme involving the use of fake websites aimed to steal assets from connected user...

Rising costs, staff shortages threaten Polish security industry

The significant jumps in the minimum wage for work, coupled with a general increase in costs associated with high inflation, pose a formidable challenge...

Insurance Experts Predict Increased Demand for Cyber Risk Policies in 2024

Cyber risk has ranked third on the list of the most significant threats to businesses in Poland, up from 18th place just 2...

Prepare for the Quantum Revolution: Cybersecurity Experts Weigh In

Quantum computers, much like artificial intelligence, represent a technology that could significantly alter business. One of the most crucial benefits of such technology is...

Polish Companies Lag Behind in NIS2 Compliance

The NIS2 Directive, rightly associated with cybersecurity, will come into force in October and will cover a broader group of organizations than before. Additionally,...

Misinformation the Biggest Short-Term Threat, Environmental Threats Dominate Long-Term Landscape

Misinformation is the biggest short-term threat, while extreme weather events and critical changes in Earth's systems are the key long-term challenges. Two thirds...

Polish Military System Needs Radical Overhaul Amidst Growing Threats

In the current situation of threats, the Polish military system, the defense system, requires reconstruction and profound change. The entire North Atlantic Alliance system...

New AntiFake Tech Blocks Unauthorized Speech Synthesis to Combat Deepfake Threats

In the coming years, Deepfake will become one of the primary tools in the hands of cybercriminals. The technique of merging images, videos, and...

Firearm Availability, Not Regulations, Linked to Rise in Terror Attacks

Legislation regulating access to firearms does not influence the number of terrorist attacks in a given country, according to researchers from Leuphana University in...

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