Deloitte: Poland enters the phase of economic expansion

The divergence of economic moods in Poland...

Two Years On: War in Ukraine and Its Global Impact

On February 24, 2022, a full-scale Russian...

Vehicle Breakdown During Waste Transport: Can It Be Considered Force Majeure to Avoid Penalties? Analysis of Court Rulings and Legal Provisions

According to the Waste Act of December 14, 2012, entrepreneurs transporting waste are obliged to deliver it to the destination and hand it over to the entity indicated by...

The driver deficit in Europe could reach 745 thousand vacancies

According to the latest 2023 study by the International Union of Carriers (IRU), Europe...

The growing presence of foreigners in Polish logistics

More and more foreigners are moving to Poland to work in the logistics sector,...

What’s Next for the Transport Industry in Poland? The State of Polish Transport in the First Half of 2024

Rising operating costs and various fees, fewer orders, lower rates, unfair competition, and geopolitical...

Will marketplace platforms dominate European e-commerce logistics?

Marketplace platforms are already the most popular shopping model in Europe, and their role...

Fuel sector faces challenges as alternative fuels take hold

"The development of alternative fuels presents challenges for the entire fuel sector," says Halina Pupacz, President of the Polish Chamber of Liquid Fuels. As...

Polish Airports Record Significant Passenger Growth

In the first three quarters of the last year, 15 airports in Poland served a total of over 40 million passengers. This equates to...

Protests by Polish Carriers at Ukraine Border Continue, Disrupting Trade

The protest by Polish carriers at the border with Ukraine has been ongoing without interruption since November 6th, last year. Four critical road crossings...

PKP Intercity plans to invest billions in rolling stock in 2024

In 2023, PKP Intercity set a record for the number of passengers transported and signed a series of multi-billion dollar contracts. They do not...

PKP Intercity Targets 70 Million Passengers in 2024, Expanding International Connections

By the end of November 2023, PKP Intercity transported 62 million passengers. This already heralds the best annual result in the carrier's history. The...

KSeF in the TSL industry: Dead creation or revolution?

After many years of preparation, the National e-Invoice System (KseF) will finally become widespread, and the first group of companies will be obliged to...

TSL Industry Grapples with Financial Challenges Amidst Rising Costs, Declining Demand

Wage pressure, rising fuel and energy prices, inflation and unstable interest rates - these are the challenges currently facing the TSL (transport, freight and...

Warehouse Market Poised for a Change as Demand Eases and Supply Grows

By the end of September 2023, the warehouse market supply had reached 31.1 million sq. m., increasing by 13.4% over the year. Despite this,...

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