Tag: leasing

Poland Among the Top 5 European Leasing Markets and the EU’s Fastest-Growing

Today, Poland is the fifth-largest leasing market in Europe and the fastest-growing in the European Union according to a report from the Polish Leasing...

Good prospects for the Polish warehouse and industrial market

According to the latest report “Industrial and Warehouse Market in Poland”, released by real estate advisory firm Newmark Polska, 2023 was one of the...

Polish Industrial-Logistics Market: Slowdown in 2023, Rebound Expected in 2024

Upon analyzing data contained in the report entitled "At a Glance, Q4 2023, the industrial-logistics area sector in Poland", prepared by BNP Paribas Real...

Electric Car Affordability Key to Boosting Poland’s E-Mobility Market

High prices are one of the biggest barriers for drivers who wish to switch to electric vehicles. According to a YouGov survey conducted for...

The market for new cars in Poland is dynamically growing. And the prices are dropping

According to data from the Polish Automotive Industry Association, in February 2024 in Poland, 45,973 new passenger cars and 5,198 new delivery vehicles with...

Polish Warehouse Market Maintains Stable Growth in 2023 Despite Lower Demand

The warehouse sector ended 2023 with stable results. Warehouse transactions accounted for 47% of the total investment volume. Tenant activity, which stood at 5.6...

Transport and Warehouse Industry Faces Doubling Insolvencies Amid Border Challenges and Rising Costs

Adverse economic conditions are hitting the transport and warehouse industry. In 2023, insolvency affected 546 companies, a 100% increase from the previous year....

What did Q4 2023 look like in the office market in regions?

Fewer new investments, but stable office tenant activity in the regional markets at the end of Q4 2023. The volume of office space under construction...

Long-term Car Rental Market in Poland Maintains Strong Growth Dynamics: 9% Growth in 2023

The automotive market in 2023, both in Poland and the entire European Union, was a time of rebuilding after the record unfavorable year of...

Micro-entrepreneurs Boost Borrowing Despite Investment Lag

Micro-entrepreneurs in 2023 were more likely to use bank loans. According to the Credit Information Bureau (BIK) data, the sale of loans to this...

CPI Property Group achieves strong leasing results in 2023

CPI Property Group (CPIPG), the largest owner of commercial properties in the Czech Republic, Berlin, and the Central and Eastern Europe region, has summarized...

AI to dominate the IT market in 2024

In 2024, the global IT market is awaiting novelties in the AI sector. Every provider and major player in the market is promising the...

Polish government takes steps to boost electromobility in heavy transport

The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) has announced a project to provide subsidies of up to PLN 750k for the...

Forecasts for the Polish Commercial Real Estate Market

In 2023, the Polish investment market, like foreign markets, experienced a low level of investor activity. The value of investment volumes in all real...

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