Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Specialist Labour Market Report 2023: A Year of Change and Adjustment

CAREERSSpecialist Labour Market Report 2023: A Year of Change and Adjustment

The year 2023 concluded at Pracuj.pl with 844,159 published job offers, a record number of service users, and a record number of applications submitted by candidates. Sales remained the leading specialty, followed by IT, physical work, finance, and engineering. 2023 was characterized by increased candidate activity – the number of applications submitted increased by 14% year-on-year. Despite the apparent economic slowdown, employers showed great activity, with the number in 2023 reaching a record 59 thousand active clients, growing by 40% over five years. We invite you to read the Specialist Labour Market Report 2023.

The 2023 results should not be directly related to the Specialist Labour Market reports from previous years due to a change in the counting methodology, which was introduced from the first half of 2023. Currently, the data includes summaries of the distribution of advertisements by the leading category, defined by the employer as the most important in a given offer. Meanwhile, data on position levels present results by classifying each advertisement according to the lowest level of candidate advancement allowed by the advertiser. The comparative data for previous years was prepared according to the current data presentation method.

This summary reflects the number of offers that are available and widely visible to Pracuj.pl users, and this number is not identical to the number of recruitment projects presented in the periodic reports of Grupa Pracuj S.A.

Key information:

  • In 2023, 844,159 job offers were published on Pracuj.pl.
  • 2023 marked on the service a record number of active clients – 59,000.
  • The number of applications submitted by candidates on Pracuj.pl increased by 14% year on year.
  • The TOP5 specialties sought on Pracuj.pl were: sales, IT, physical work, finance, and engineering.
  • The most active in terms of recruitment were companies from the finance and banking sector (11% of job offers).
  • 35% of the ads were positions enabling at least one of the flexible work models: remote or hybrid.
  • 94,000 offers were for physical workers.
  • Offers for people at the beginning stages of employment made up 15%.

Significant changes in the recruitment landscape

The past 12 months have been a time of noticeable change in the labour market, with a more cautious approach by employers to finding workers compared to previous years. However, this does not mean a complete slowdown in the market, but rather an adjustment to the challenges organizations face today.

At the beginning of 2024, we look at the market from an exceptional perspective: the contrast between past years is striking. 2022 was characterized by unparalleled recruitment activity, with companies intensively seeking talent in a highly competitive environment. However, this trend changed significantly in 2023, moving towards a more rational approach to recruitment. Companies have not stopped hiring, as seen in the record number of clients we have this year – 59 thousand. This number is pleasing because it shows the wide range of offers available to Pracuj.pl users. However, we see that the zeal for intense recruitment has given way to a more balanced and strategic position.

Professions sought in 2023

Sales remains at the top of the most frequently sought specialties, maintaining a stable level of 19% share of all ads published on Pracuj.pl. Salespeople were sought by employers in times when inflation and economic challenges required increased and efficient sales department activities.

2023 brought less activity among IT positions than observed in previous years. However, despite a broad discussion of the slowdown in the recruitment boom in this group, IT specialists still constituted the second most commonly sought specialty on Pracuj.pl.

Most active industries in 2023

In the comparison of the most active industries on Pracuj.pl over the past 12 months, finance and banking have maintained their top spot, keeping the same share year on year, at 11%. The retail and B2C sales industry recorded a slight increase and was responsible for every tenth advertisement on the service.

Activity of candidates – a significant increase in the number of applications

In the last year, the Pracuj.pl service registered a significant increase in candidate engagement, as can be seen in the noteworthy increase in the number of clicks on the “Apply” button. The number of clicks on “Apply” increased by 14% over the past 12 months compared to 2022.

What jobs did the candidates look for?

Candidates most often applied for positions related to sales, which accounted for 17% of all applications submitted last year. This specialization, although it maintained the same place on the list, did so with much better results than last year. Candidates were more eager to apply for positions in IT – this area accounted for 9% of all applications sent on the service in 2023 compared to 5% in 2022.

Work return continues

Towards the end of 2023, organizations showed a tendency to increase the scope of required time performing tasks from the office. Although work outside the company premises is still widespread, employers expect employees to more frequently perform tasks from the office, and teams are involved in hybrid workplaces.

Physical workers remain in the TOP3

Despite the dynamic development of technology and the growing importance of the service sector, there is still a steady demand for qualified physical workers. In the area of physical work, especially in the context of employing qualified people with appropriate certificates, employers encounter certain difficulties.

More work for newcomers

The emphasis on key and experienced employees in 2023 suggested that younger employees were facing bigger job market entry challenges. However, as it turned out, there was no lack of work for them during this period.

About the report

This summary is based on internal data of Grupa Pracuj, presenting statistics of job offers posted on the website between January and December 2023. This data includes all job offers published on Pracuj.pl during the discussed period visible to users as a single advertisement in one location. These presented figures should not be equated with the number of recruitment projects offered by Grupa Pracuj to its clients (employers).

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