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One-Third of New Apartments Won’t Be Ready Until 2026 in Polish Cities

REAL ESTATEOne-Third of New Apartments Won't Be Ready Until 2026 in Polish Cities

There is no shortage of developer investments slated for completion only in 2026 in the market. We examine the share of such projects in large cities.

In the first half of this year, developers were actively rebuilding their new housing supply. At the end of June, in the seven largest markets (Warsaw, Krakow, Łódź, Wrocław, Poznań, Tricity, GZM cities), approximately 55,500 new residential premises were available, which is 29% more than half a year earlier. It is, of course, important to realize that the premises introduced to the offer often have quite a distant completion time. Experts from portal decided to check what share of developers’ offer apartments with a completion deadline in 2026 have.

In the BIG DATA database of, we can find information about the completion time of available developer investments and apartments. A better solution seems to be considering the number of residential premises with a completion deadline in 2026, not the number of investments. The share of available new apartments, which are to be completed in 2026, was as follows at the end of June:

  • Warsaw – 29% of all apartments available in developers’ offers
  • Krakow – 18% of available apartments
  • Łódź – 28% of available apartments
  • Wrocław – 37% of available apartments
  • Poznań – 37% of available apartments
  • Tricity – 19% of available apartments
  • Katowice agglomeration (cities from the GZM area) – 30% of available apartments

Particularly noteworthy are the low results for Krakow and the Tricity. In Krakow, by far the largest part of the offer (49%) is premises with a completion deadline in 2025. The analogous result from the Tricity (46%) turns out to be slightly smaller. The share of ready apartments on the examined markets ranges from 8% (Warsaw) to 23% (Krakow).

Author: Andrzej Prajsnar, expert of the portal


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