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GPW Benchmark Announces Public Consultations on Stock Exchange Index Changes

INVESTINGGPW Benchmark Announces Public Consultations on Stock Exchange Index Changes
  • GPW Benchmark announces the start of public consultations regarding changes in the method of developing Stock Exchange Indices, including significant changes to the method referred to in Article 28, paragraph 2 of the BMR Regulation.
  • Plans also include ceasing the development of WIGtech and WIG-ESG Indices.
  • The frequency of publishing the mWIG40TR index as the base index for newly appointed mWIGTRsh and mWIG40TRlv indices will be increased.

GPW Benchmark invites participants in the capital market to familiarize themselves with the Consultation Document and to participate in public consultations on the proposed changes in the method of developing benchmark indicators as part of the family of Stock Exchange Indices.

Statistical analyses conducted have shown that, in accordance with the classification adopted by the administrator, two of the changes proposed in the Consultation Document are considered significant changes to the method and therefore are subject to mandatory public consultations. Significant changes to the method are considered to be:

  • changes in the rules for qualifying companies in the process of a announced voluntary call for subscription for shares to the WIG20, mWIG40, sWIG80, and WIG30 indices;
  • change in the rules for qualifying companies to the WIGtechTR index during periodic reviews.

The Consultation Document published by GPW Benchmark contains an analysis and detailed description of the proposed changes, which have been defined based on the analytical work carried out. The Consultation Document together with the questionnaire is available on the Administrator’s website The consultations will last until March 10, 2024.

GPW Benchmark also informs that after the stock exchange session on June 21, 2024, the administrator will cease to publish the WIGtech Index (in the price formula).

The publication of the WIGtechTR Index in the income version will be continued in accordance with the results of public consultations; however, the rules for qualifying companies to the WIGtechTR Index will be the standard for category-specific indices in case they are appointed by the Administrator.

GPW Benchmark also informs that after the stock exchange session on June 28, 2024, it will cease to publish the WIG-ESG Index due to a lack of market interest in this index after the aforementioned date of discontinuation of its development. The Administrator will make efforts to introduce products that take into account ESG factors and goals of the energy transition.

Public consultations on the proposed changes are ongoing until March 10, 2024. A summary of the public consultations will be made public immediately after their conclusion and the adoption of the results by the Supervisory Committee of the Capital Market Benchmark Indicators.

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