DM INC Expands Services, Secures Funding for 2024 Growth

COMPANIESDM INC Expands Services, Secures Funding for 2024 Growth

The INC Brokerage House, part of the INC Group, has successfully implemented new services. Last year, it obtained permission for three new ranges of brokerage activities and among other things, began to act as a depository for FIZ (investment funds). By the end of 2023, it served 4 funds in this area, and by the end of the current quarter, their number is expected to increase more than threefold. In the previous year, DM INC conducted 12 transactions and prepared prospectuses for 30% of companies debuting on the main Warsaw Stock Exchange market. This year, it is preparing further public offerings.

Last year was groundbreaking for INC Brokerage House in the context of business diversification. In the second quarter of 2023, the broker began to provide depository services for investment funds, servicing 4 funds by the end of the year. “We continue to take over the servicing of more funds. We have initiated processes for transferring FIZ and have signed letters of intent, based on which we estimate that we should have at least 15 funds in our portfolio by the end of the first quarter. By the end of the year, we want there to be about 25. This will allow us to generate significant revenue from this activity,” says Paweł Śliwiński, CEO of DM INC.

The Brokerage House was also active on the primary market. In 2023, it prepared prospectuses for companies debuting on the Warsaw Stock Exchange: Drago Entertainment, Genomtec, and Movie Games, representing 30% of last year’s debutants on the main market of the Stock Exchange. As part of the INC capital group, INC S.A. also supported 4 debuts on the NewConnect market and 9 secondary introductions. “Assuming a revival in the market, this year should be much better for our capital group. We have already planned offers for the first half of the year, and IPO transactions for the main market in the second half of the year. Their implementation, of course, depends on market conditions, but we are moderately optimistic about this,” comments Paweł Śliwiński.

Parallel to supporting transactions and debuts, and developing depository business, the broker is also strongly expanding other services. In the second half of 2023, the Brokerage House successfully began operations in the area of stock market company analyses. At the end of the year, it issued two analytical reports – for Plot Twist and Medinice. The company started providing registration broker services for the registration of shares at KDPW, as well as bond issue agent services in the fourth quarter. The number of companies in the shareholder register run by DM INC is also growing.

“Due to the development of new services, and above all the development of the fund depository service, we are strengthening the capital of our brokerage house. The capital increases for DM INC that were made in December and planned for January amount to a total of PLN 1.5 million from the resources of the INC Group, in order to ensure appropriate capital buffers for growing activities,” explains the CEO.

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