The perfect boss doesn’t exist – there are only those who are good enough

Today, October 16th, we celebrate Boss's Day. It's the perfect occasion to reflect on the types of bosses we may encounter in our careers and to think about the...

Artificial intelligence is entering the job market. Are our positions at risk?

In the future, smart technological solutions will create new professions. Artificial intelligence will increase...

Nearly half of working Poles expect salary increases in the coming months

According to the report "Salaries 2024: Expectations of Poles" conducted by Gi Group, 43.3%...

October 16th – Boss’s Day

October 16 marks the celebration of Boss's Day, a holiday recognized in the USA...

Generation Z values relationships at work, but intergenerational cooperation is still a challenge

Generation Z representatives value good workplace relationships, and their unique traits can genuinely enrich...

35% of employers in Poland plan to hire new employees, while 19% are considering layoffs

Between July and September, 35% of organizations in Poland plan to strengthen their workforce, while 44% do not plan any changes in their structures....

Young Poles Optimistic About Economy, But Financial Worries Linger

One in three Polish "Gen Z" individuals and one in four millennials expect an improvement in Poland's economic situation within the next year. The...

Salaries as a Key Factor in the Polish Labor Market – Expectations Rise Faster Than Wages

Adapting the labor market to the dynamic development of business is a significant challenge for both employers and employees, especially when their expectations for...

The 2024 IT Job Market in Poland: Shifting Demands and Salary Trends

The year 2024 is marked by the alignment of demand for IT specialists to more realistic levels. The market requires fewer programmers and more...

Young Poles: Between Optimism and Concerns About Financial Stability

Although optimism about personal financial situations and economic prospects is the highest among "Gen Z" and millennials since 2020, the cost of living remains...

Fewer Ukrainians Are Coming to Poland

The year 2023 was groundbreaking in terms of the presence of Ukrainian citizens in Poland. There was a strong stabilization and slowdown in the...

Average Salaries in Poland Reach New Record Despite Employment Decline

The average monthly salary in enterprises in March this year increased nominally by 12% compared to the same period last year, amounting to 8,408.79...

IT Job Market in 2023: Slower Growth but Optimistic Future

Last year, the IT job market was significantly less dynamic than in previous years, according to the "IT Industry Salary Report 2024" by the...

Polish Employees Prioritize Flexibility: Half Want Hybrid Work, Remote Work Popular in IT Sector

Polish employees are seeking greater flexibility from their employers regarding the location of their work, with over half desiring a hybrid work arrangement. Moreover,...

Poland’s Job Market in Flux

One in three companies (36%) has faced issues with employee turnover in recent months. At the same time, 38% of entrepreneurs do not have...

The Degree Dilemma: Education vs. Employability in a Dynamic Job Market

The dynamically changing world requires flexibility, including in the context of education and career path formation. Although completing a degree is not always necessary...

Appreciation Gap: Nearly Half Consider Leaving Due to Lack of Recognition by Bosses

Nearly one in four employees would like their supervisor to appreciate them more often. Close to half are ready to leave their job because...

The Evolving Role of Finance Specialists: Adapting to Change and Embracing New Opportunities

Frequent regulatory changes and technological advances are forcing finance specialists to continually acquire new skills, train, and update their knowledge. However, those who can...

Every third Pole thinks about changing jobs every day

As suggested by the latest data from the Central Statistical Office (GUS), unemployment in Poland in 2023 amounted to 5.1 percent. Does this equate...

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