Archicom’s shares return to the sWIG80 and sWIG80TR indexes

COMPANIESArchicom's shares return to the sWIG80 and sWIG80TR indexes

On December 15th, the quarterly adjustment of index portfolios was carried out, as announced by GPW Benchmark in their statement. As a result of the adjustment, Archicom shares will once again be included in the sWIG80 and sWIG80TR indexes. Joining the ranks of the largest stock-exchange companies confirms the correctness of the adopted strategy, which assumes establishing a position as the nationwide developer of first choice and selling at the level of 4,000 flats annually.

The inclusion of Archicom in the sWIG80 and sWIG80TR index rankings was announced by GPW Benchmark in a statement on November 30, 2023. After the quarterly adjustment of index portfolios carried out after the session on December 15, the nationwide developer joined the group of the 140 largest companies listed within the framework of the three main indexes on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WIG20, mWIG40, sWIG80).

It is worth noting that Archicom shares have immediately scored a high position in the sWIG80 and sWIG80TR indexes, ranking 23rd. This unequivocally confirms a significant increase in the company’s stock exchange liquidity. We have informed the market that the condition of the appropriate level of minimum liquidity has been met for Archicom shares. We can expect that in the long term, the presence in the indexes will bring the company tangible and perceptible benefits, including the consequences of full participation in the ranking of small and medium-sized enterprises – says Agata Skowrońska-Domańska, Vice President of the Management Board of Archicom S.A.

The consequences of joining the stock-exchange index rankings Employing the company entering the sWIG80 index automatically triggers its inclusion in the segment of so-called small and medium enterprises listed on the WSE. As a result of the promotion to the index, additional interest in the Company’s securities from market analysts can be expected, both from investment funds and brokerage houses specializing in serving individual investors.

“We assume that the demand for Archicom shares should increase in the future. Not only due to the fact of joining the basket of indexed companies’ shares, but also due to the significant increase in the capitalization of Archicom S.A. and the interest in the Company generated by participants in the capital market. Both those active, who manage, invest or build their portfolios based on index shares with guaranteed minimum liquidity, and passive ones trying to replicate their portfolios according to the criterion of the composition of indexes, e.g. ETF. In the case of the WSE, the first ETF is present on sWIG80TR – adds Agata Skowrońska-Domańska, Vice President of the Management Board of Archicom S.A.

Genesis of the stock market success The return of Archicom shares to the sWIG80 and sWIG80TR indexes is absolutely a reason for us to be proud, assures prestige and confirms in the eyes of investors, but above all reflects the correctness of all steps we have taken. We have been working on this success over many months, implementing a strategy that is to lead us to the leading position on the real estate market and the developer of first choice in Poland. We give priority to a reasoned financial policy that allows us to broaden the land bank being the foundation for further dynamic development. Thanks to successful shares and bond issues, we managed to acquire attractive land in Wrocław and Łódź. We assure that we are not slowing down, and in the near future, we will gradually approach our medium-term goal, which is to sell 4,000 flats a year – summarizes Waldemar Olbryk, CEO of Archicom S.A.

The sWIG80 index is compiled based on trading from the last 12 months and the value of shares in free float. This means that the ranked company provides participants with a guarantee of trading liquidity at a level not lower than the minimum required for presence in a given index.

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