Romuald Kalyciok returned borrowed SUNEX shares to the company Polska Ekologia

COMPANIESRomuald Kalyciok returned borrowed SUNEX shares to the company Polska Ekologia

Romuald Kalyciok, president and main shareholder of SUNEX, has returned the borrowed shares of the stock market company to Polska Ekologia, thereby concluding the capital increase process that began in 2024. The process involved a loan of shares, their subsequent sale in the Accelerated Book-Building (ABB) process, followed by the president’s acquisition of the new share issue. The borrowed shares were also returned as a part of the process.

Currently, Romuald Kalyciok owns shares that confer an indirect and direct 68.52% stake in the registered capital and 74.29% of the votes at the SUNEX general assembly. Additionally, through Polska Ekologia, he owns shares equivalent to 52.81% of the registered capital, giving him 61.45% of the votes at the general assembly.

The Accelerated Book-Building (ABB) process was conducted by Romuald Kalyciok in February of this year. The number of shares sold amounted to 2 million (9.86% of the company’s registered capital), at a price of PLN 12 per share. The shares were purchased by institutional investors.

Then in July, Romuald Kalyciok acquired shares of a new issue in exchange for a non-cash contribution in the form of 100 percent of the shares he owned in the German installation company Drolsbach and the conversion of receivables from loans worth PLN 13.26 million granted to the company by the president. The funds from the loans granted by the president had earlier been allocated by SUNEX for the development of production infrastructure in Raciborz to support long-term development and value creation for SUNEX shareholders.


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