Tag: Wrocław

Polish Office Market: Construction Slowdown Meets High Demand, Forcing Market Reassessment

Demand for office space continues to remain high, but construction is at its lowest in years. The office real estate market is undergoing significant...

Polish Industrial-Logistics Market: Slowdown in 2023, Rebound Expected in 2024

Upon analyzing data contained in the report entitled "At a Glance, Q4 2023, the industrial-logistics area sector in Poland", prepared by BNP Paribas Real...

Polish Warehouse Market in 2023: Slower Growth, But Still Strong Fundamentals

After very successful years in 2021 and 2022, known as the golden period of development of the warehouse market in Poland, 2023 was a...

PRS Market in Poland H2 2023: Rising Rents, Investor Challenges, and Legislative Needs

Similar to the first half of 2023, the most frequently indicated challenge for investors for the next 12 months are the persistently high interest...

Polish Warehouse Market Maintains Stable Growth in 2023 Despite Lower Demand

The warehouse sector ended 2023 with stable results. Warehouse transactions accounted for 47% of the total investment volume. Tenant activity, which stood at 5.6...

Swiss Franc Loans in Poland: Growing Strength of Borrowers and the Evolving Landscape of Lawsuits

According to official data from district courts, the number of franc-related cases across the country increased by over 35% year on year in the...

The Bitter Truth About Chocolate: Why Prices Are Rising

Confectionery and desserts are currently the fastest inflating category of products in stores, having increased in price by over 14% this January alone. And...

Polish Forests Face Ecological, Social, and Economic Strain Due to Climate Change and Intensive Management, Scientists Warn

Tree felling in recent years in conjunction with climate change have caused Polish forests to gradually lose their ecological, social, and economic functions. To...

The price of cocoa is rising and could reach 7,000 USD per ton

The authors of the report titled “RETAIL SHOP PRICE INDEX” predict that record high cocoa prices on global markets will continue to rise and...

Polish Warehouse Market Maintains Strength Despite Challenges

As per the latest report of the international advisory agency Cushman & Wakefield, 2023 marked the second-best result in the history of the warehouse...

Parking Prices Soar: Garages More Expensive Than Ever, No End in Sight

150,000 Polish zloty for a 16-meter garage in the center of Szczecin? Advertisements like these should no longer be surprising. Especially considering that underground...

Property investment market in Poland | 2023 summary

Following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020, the Polish investment market has consistently navigated its repercussions, only to face additional challenges...

What did Q4 2023 look like in the office market in regions?

Fewer new investments, but stable office tenant activity in the regional markets at the end of Q4 2023. The volume of office space under construction...

Accounting Job Market: Demand Dips but Satisfaction Soars, Remote Work on Rise

In 2023, there was a decrease in the demand for accounting employees, although it was higher than in 2019. At the same time -...

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