People who declare themselves as non-believers face greater prejudice in American society than, among others, homosexuals, Jews, or African-Americans, according to an analysis conducted...
The US dollar is continuing to weaken. Despite a weakening dollar, oil is once again retreating. Meanwhile, the Polish zloty and other currencies in...
Alternative meat sources, such as cell cultivation in bioreactors, are going to become increasingly important in the coming years. Efforts to "grow" meat have...
The passing year has primarily been a period of exceptionally high inflation. Governments, businesses, and consumers not only in Poland but across the globe...
Financial markets favor extremes. In their optimism, they can fall into overly high expectations, as is the case with decisions on lowering interest rates....
Passing a budget, considering the timing of the new government’s inauguration, is definitely a sprint. Therefore, one can expect an amendment to appear next...
Backtrack - Allianz Trade expectations hold up: In the fourth quarter, the momentum of growth weakened, but remained resistant, disinflation continued, and interest...
Allowing taxpayers to make agreements with the tax office, binding deadlines for officials in the Code of Administrative Procedure, a separate government department for...