Deloitte: Poland enters the phase of economic expansion

The divergence of economic moods in Poland...

Two Years On: War in Ukraine and Its Global Impact

On February 24, 2022, a full-scale Russian...


Hundreds of Millions for Circular Economy Projects in Poland

In the new financial perspective, several hundred million PLN will be allocated to support business and local government projects in the field of the...

Surge in Cyberattacks: 1,600 Weekly Attacks Target Polish Organizations, Ransomware Threatens Nearly 3% of Corporate Networks

In Poland, there are 1,600 cyberattacks on a single organization every week, and ransomware now threatens nearly 3% of all corporate networks! The situation...

Will marketplace platforms dominate European e-commerce logistics?

Marketplace platforms are already the most popular shopping model in Europe, and their role continues to grow. This is especially true for entities from...

Surge in Housing Loan Inquiries in Poland: A 45.4% Increase in May 2024

In May 2024, the value of housing loan inquiries increased by 45.4% year-on-year, according to the BIK Housing Loan Demand Index. This indicates that...

Local governments are counting on governmental changes in the financing system. Ministerial solutions are also needed in the areas of education and healthcare

The Ministry of Finance plans to introduce changes in the funding of local governments. Local government revenues would be based on the local tax...

Lewiatan Confederation proposes amendments to draft law on assistance to Ukrainian citizens

Maintaining the 14-day deadline for employers to notify the assignment of work to Ukrainian citizens, or extending the rights of medical personnel from Ukraine...

Marshal Hołownia Refuses Constitutional Tribunal’s Order, Vows to Continue Proceedings Against NBP President Glapiński

Marshal Hołownia announced that a copy of the Constitutional Tribunal's decision aimed at preventing the Sejm and its bodies from considering the preliminary motion...

Temperatures in Europe are rising twice as fast as the global average, leading to record climate phenomena

March 2024 marked the 10th consecutive month to set a temperature record in the history of global measurements for that month of the year,...

Up to 70,000 Roma have fled from Ukraine to Poland. Even after more than two years, their situation remains challenging

The Roma minority in Poland is estimated to number around 30,000 people. However, following the outbreak of war to the east, in Ukraine, this...

Stronger-Than-Expected Housing Loan Demand in March 2024

The value of inquiries for housing loans increased by 68.7% year-on-year in March 2024, according to the BIK Index of Demand for Housing Loans....

Gold Price Soars on Fed Decision Delay, Global Central Bank Moves Shake Markets

Last week, the price of the coveted metal surpassed the threshold of 2,200 dollars per ounce. "We observed significant fluctuations in the gold market,...

Every sixth person working in IT considers changing their specialization to AI-related

Since the beginning of 2024, candidates have typed the phrase “AI” into the job search engine on the No Fluff Jobs portal over 89.3...

US and UK Take Action Against China-Backed Cyberattacks Targeting Governments and Businesses

The United States' Department of Justice, FBI, and the UK government have reported a widespread campaign of cyberattacks. The operations carried out were supposedly...

60% of Organizations Unprepared for EU’s Strict New Cybersecurity Law, NIS2

"- It is estimated that approximately 60 percent of organizations may not yet be prepared to meet the requirements of the EU NIS2 directive,"...

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