Deloitte: Poland enters the phase of economic expansion

The divergence of economic moods in Poland...

Two Years On: War in Ukraine and Its Global Impact

On February 24, 2022, a full-scale Russian...


GUS Preliminary Data Shows Mixed Signals for Polish Residential Construction Market in April

The latest GUS report, publishing preliminary data on residential construction for April and the first four months of this year, did not confirm the...

Housing Construction in Poland Booms in February, Despite Low Base Effect

Statistics from GUS (Main statistical office in Poland) on housing construction in the first weeks of each year usually signal a seasonal weakening of...

Polish “mortgages” still the second most expensive in Europe

By mid-2023, among EU residents, only the Hungarians had more expensive new housing loans than the Poles. It's worthwhile to check how the situation...

Building Material Prices Continue Downtrend in January, But Future Rebound Expected

This year's January did not change the situation on the domestic building materials market in any way, making the start of the year yet...

January Data Signals Moderate Optimism for Polish Housing Market

January statistics from Poland's Central Statistical Office (GUS) for housing construction usually indicate a slight or significant weakening of investment activity. However, as experts...

Warsaw, Gdansk, and Krakow lead the charge in Polish apartment price increases

Prices per square meter in provincial cities in Poland are reaching record levels. The most expensive are in Warsaw, Gdansk, and Krakow. In the...

Housing Construction in Poland: A Slowdown and a Question Mark for the Future

The January report by the Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS) traditionally presents the results of housing construction, focusing on complete investment data from...

Favorable Conditions Fuel Real Estate Boom, but Buyers Fare Worse

In 2023, the sale of new apartments in the seven largest metropolises hit a five-year record. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the...

Developer Sales Reach Record Level, but Concerns Linger

Traditionally, at the beginning of a new year, developer companies listed on the GPW release reports on the sale of apartments for the last...

WIG-Real Estate Index Stalls Despite Strong Housing Market Performance

Traditionally, with the start of the new year, property development companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW) publish reports on their apartment sales...

Building Materials Prices in Poland Continue to Decline, Demand for Construction Materials Plummets

The first publication of the average dynamics of building materials prices for this year by the PSB Trade Group, covering statistics for the whole...

Implications and Challenges of a New Housing Support Program

The "Safe Mortgage 2%" program, suspended since January 2024, is expected to be replaced in July by a new one called "Start-Up Flat". Experts...

Housing Market in Poland: Prices Reached New Heights in 2023, but Stabilisation May Be on the Horizon

The final chord of the past year in the housing markets of the largest cities was a large increase in the average price of...

Polish Residential Construction Shows Signs of Slowing

The December data from the Central Statistical Office (GUS) processing residential construction from January to November announced a hiatus in the moderate upward trend...

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