Deloitte: Poland enters the phase of economic expansion

The divergence of economic moods in Poland...

Two Years On: War in Ukraine and Its Global Impact

On February 24, 2022, a full-scale Russian...

Tag: Play

Łódź: A Rising Star for Nearshoring in Europe

The Łódź agglomeration is one of the most "emerging" locations for nearshoring in Europe, the trend of relocating production closer to the target market....

Electric Vehicles to Dominate Sales by 2030, Experts Predict

Electric vehicle (EV) sales are projected to surpass sales of all other types of vehicles by 2030, with over 75 million EVs expected to...

CPK is Not a Threat: Regional Airports Will Continue to Thrive, Says Warsaw-Modlin Airport President

"I am not afraid that the establishment of the Central Communication Port (CPK) will threaten the existence of regional airports, including Modlin," says Tomasz...

European Elections: Declining Support for the Green Deal

In the European Parliament elections, the European People's Party (EPP) emerged as the winner, strengthening its position. The losers are the liberals from Renew...

Surge in Cyberattacks: 1,600 Weekly Attacks Target Polish Organizations, Ransomware Threatens Nearly 3% of Corporate Networks

In Poland, there are 1,600 cyberattacks on a single organization every week, and ransomware now threatens nearly 3% of all corporate networks! The situation...

Price Growth Dynamics in Polish Stores Continue to Rise for Another Month

The analysis of over 68.4 thousand retail prices showed that in May this year, everyday shopping in stores increased by an average of 2.9%...

Polish BPO Sector Maintains Growth Amid Global Challenges

In recent years, the business process outsourcing (BPO) sector in Poland has been experiencing steady growth, although last year saw a slowdown in its...

AI-Driven Evolution: The Future of Poland’s Business Services Sector

The latest ABSL report shows that the business services sector in Poland continues to grow. Employment growth last year was 22,100, and the sector...

Mastercard Launches European Cyber Resilience Centre in Belgium to Enhance Regional Security

Mastercard has opened the European Cyber Resilience Centre (ECRC) at its European headquarters in Belgium, reaffirming the company's commitment to combating cyber threats and...

CD Projekt Fails to Impress Investors Despite Good Results

The Polish stock market had a poor end to May, with gaming companies, particularly CD Projekt, standing out negatively. CD Projekt failed to impress...

Unlocking $155 Billion in Tokens Could Disrupt the Crypto Market

Between 2024 and 2030, tokens worth approximately $155 billion from companies operating in the Web3 and blockchain market will be unlocked. Without increased demand...

Companies in Poland Lagging in ESG Reporting – Only 19% Ready for New EU Requirements

48% of surveyed companies declare that they have previously published ESG reports. However, only 19% are technologically prepared to meet the challenge of sustainable...

Sejm Speaker Hołownia and EC Vice-President Vestager Discuss Digital Market, Youth Protection Online, and Legislative Transparency

The Digital Single Market, protection of children and youth online, the Sejm's new open approach to citizens, inclusive democracy, and increasing transparency in the...

Over 1.1 Million Foreigners Registered for Pension Insurance in Poland, Ukrainians Remain the Largest Group

At the end of April, 1.143 million foreigners were registered for pension and disability insurance, including 763,000 Ukrainians, according to data published by the...

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