Tag: Lewiatan

Poland prepares for REIT legislation as global success of the model continues

Legal regulations concerning REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) have already been introduced in over 40 countries around the world, including all G7 countries. At...

Challenges in Public Finance Management: Record Deficit and Rising Budget Expenditures in 2025

Managing public finances will pose a challenge in the coming years. The 2025 budget is optimistic but assumes a massive deficit. The government will...

Decrease in Number of Debtors to ZUS Despite Rising Overall Debt

At the end of the first half of 2024, 622,300 active payers were in debt to the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), representing a decrease...

Lewiatan Confederation Criticizes Polish Draft of Digital Services Act

Many provisions in the draft law on the provision of electronic services require further discussion and analysis, particularly those concerning the scope of responsibilities...

Controversy Over Including Civil Law Contracts and Self-Employment in Employment Tenure

Including periods of work performed under a mandate contract and running an individual business into employment tenure is controversial, according to the Confederation Lewiatan....

Amendment to Wind Farm Law Could Double Poland’s Wind Power Potential by 2040

An amendment to the wind farm law, particularly the reduction of the required distance of farms from buildings, could potentially double the prospects of...

Business appeals to the government to establish an economic decision-making center

Poland needs a strong decision-making center for its economic policy. On the one hand, there is a need to regulate migration issues - there...

Inflation in Poland is slowly increasing. It will accelerate in July

According to a flash estimate by the Central Statistical Office (GUS), consumer goods and services prices in June this year increased by 2.6% compared...

Unemployment Rate Reaches Record Low in May

Unemployment, after a brief, slight increase at the beginning of the year, continues its downward trend. In May, the record from the summer of...

Retail Sales Show Mixed Results: Annual Growth Strong but Monthly Change Minimal

Retail sales at constant prices in May 2024 were 5% higher than a year ago. However, compared to April of this year, they fell...

European Elections: Declining Support for the Green Deal

In the European Parliament elections, the European People's Party (EPP) emerged as the winner, strengthening its position. The losers are the liberals from Renew...

Increase in Sole Proprietorship Applications from Foreign Nationals in Poland Rises to 16% in Q1 2024

In Q1 2024, nearly 16% of applications for establishing a sole proprietorship were submitted to the CEIDG registry by individuals with citizenship other than...

Polish Industry Shows No Signs of Improvement

In May of this year, the PMI for the manufacturing sector in Poland dropped to 45 points from 45.9 points recorded in April, according...

Consumption and Foreign Trade Drive GDP Growth in Poland

Gross domestic product (GDP) in Poland, unadjusted for seasonal variations, increased by 2% year-on-year in Q1 2024, compared to a decline of 0.4% in...

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