In 2024, ransomware attacks, despite the organized efforts of law enforcement, are experiencing another renaissance. The most frequently attacked countries are currently the United...
"Websites associated with the "Budda" brand are listed in the register of prohibited domains. There are tens of thousands of pages in the government...
Economic forecasts for the upcoming years indicate a varied development dynamic across EU countries. According to the EY European Economic Outlook report, Poland's GDP...
Increase in demand for flexible logistics services due to continued supply chain disruptions
Higher quarterly profitability in maritime and air units
Quarterly growth...
On October 9th, in the European Parliament, MEPs along with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán discussed the priorities of Hungary’s EU Council Presidency, which...
The senior management proves to be the main "brake" in the implementation of artificial intelligence technology in companies, according to experts. They claim that...
An increasing number of countries view the influx of migrants as a threat to Europe's security and identity. Berlin has implemented new border controls,...
Despite the ongoing full-scale war with Russia lasting over 2.5 years, Ukrainian businesses are strongly supporting the national economy. Through investments in equipment, technology,...
Europe needs to beef up its readiness to respond to the consequences of the increasingly frequent natural disasters, including by increasing the budget of...
The report by Mario Draghi published in September paints a bleak economic future for the European Union, unless it undertakes multi-billion investments in innovation....