Deloitte: Poland enters the phase of economic expansion

The divergence of economic moods in Poland...

Two Years On: War in Ukraine and Its Global Impact

On February 24, 2022, a full-scale Russian...

Tag: European Commission

Polish local governments start spending KPO funds, fear time is too short

"The funds from the National Recovery Plan (KPO) and the new EU budget, which is also starting to be spent now, may be our...

Hundreds of Millions for Circular Economy Projects in Poland

In the new financial perspective, several hundred million PLN will be allocated to support business and local government projects in the field of the...

European Elections: Declining Support for the Green Deal

In the European Parliament elections, the European People's Party (EPP) emerged as the winner, strengthening its position. The losers are the liberals from Renew...

Poles Turn to Sharing Economy Amid Rising Debt and Economic Challenges

In the face of growing problems with repaying current liabilities and loan installments, Poles are increasingly turning to alternative forms of access to goods...

European election results may impact EU climate policy. Polls show a lead for skeptical right-wing parties

Issues related to the European Green Deal, climate neutrality, and the associated socio-economic costs are key points of debate ahead of the upcoming European...

What Will the European Elections Change in the Economy?

The upcoming European Parliament elections are the only elections in which we can directly choose our representatives in the institutions of the European Union....

Green Hydrogen Production to Begin at ZE PAK This Year

Interest in hydrogen investments from the private sector is growing: this year, green hydrogen production is set to start at ZE PAK, and the...

Polish Consumers Show Increasing Optimism About Personal and National Finances

Polish consumers are feeling increasingly positive about their financial situation and the future of both their personal and the national budget. Most other indicators...

Continuation Expected for Key EU Policies After June Elections

It is unlikely that the new European Commission will radically change direction on many key issues following the June European Parliament elections. This primarily...

Rail Carriers Seek Reduction in Railway Infrastructure Access Fees to Compete with Road Freight Transport

The Association of Independent Railway Carriers has proposed to the Ministry of Infrastructure a gradual, five-year reduction of railway track access fees by half....

The Ministry of Health aims to ban the sale of menthol cartridges for tobacco heaters. According to experts, this will lead to an increase...

The latest legislative proposals from the Ministry of Health could disrupt the declining trend in the gray market, which reached a historic low in...

First Increase in Agricultural Machinery Industry Sentiment Index in Over Three Years

The index (numerical value) representing sentiments in the agricultural machinery and equipment industry increased by just 0.45 percentage points. As noted in the biannual...

Farmers Warn of Green Deal’s Pitfalls Despite Good Intentions

Farmers fear that EU regulations, intended to protect the climate, will impact not only their business but eventually other social groups as well, dampening...

Sejm Speaker Hołownia and EC Vice-President Vestager Discuss Digital Market, Youth Protection Online, and Legislative Transparency

The Digital Single Market, protection of children and youth online, the Sejm's new open approach to citizens, inclusive democracy, and increasing transparency in the...
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