Young employees are often accused of being entitled, lazy, and lacking dedication to their assigned duties. Stereotypes paint Generation Z as reluctant to show...
Capital Group Murapol delivered 1,720 units to retail customers in the three quarters of 2024, compared to 2,234 handed over in the corresponding period...
Since 2020, small and medium-sized shopping parks have been dynamically developing on the Polish market. Although the retail market has already matured and is...
In the third quarter of 2024, the Warsaw Stock Exchange Capital Group achieved high sales revenues of PLN 112.1 million, representing a year-on-year increase...
Introducing digital solutions in banking significantly increases customer engagement - even by 60% compared to traditional bank branch visits, according to the analysis of...
The health and beauty category recorded the largest growth in turnover, at 11.3%. The clothing and accessories category, significant for shopping centers, increased its...
It is harder for mature workers to change jobs and develop professionally. Such is the opinion of not only 90 percent of professionals participating...
As the upcoming elections in the US approach, there is an increasing observation of phishing fraud aimed at voters, the registration of malicious domains...