Tag: Contrast

AI, E-Commerce, and Digital Wallets: Trends Shaping the Retail Industry in 2024

In the holiday season of 2023, the highest average discount rate was recorded since 2020. Another noticeable trend is the significant increase in purchases...

Polish Used Car Market: Gasoline Takes Over, Diesel Declines

In 2023, 2,036,602 cars were offered on the secondary market, representing an increase of 297,000. For the first time in October, the number of...

Personalized Shopping Experiences: Billboards Recommend Products Based on Passerby Profiles

Outdoor advertising mediums such as billboards and city lights are increasingly making use of artificial intelligence. The goal is to revolutionize the way brands...

Global Debt: A Tale of Varying Sensitivity to Interest Rates and Debt Structures

DEBT: Global trends in debt are consequential, and current levels are exceptionally high. Significant differences exist, however, between the debt segments of governments, companies,...

Summary of 2023 on the office market and forecasts for 2024

The next supply gap, stable quarterly demand, remote work in the Labor Code, proptech, ESG, and demolitions - AXI IMMO, the largest Polish consultancy...

Currency Markets Volatile as Central Banks Diverge on Monetary Policy

We announced a week ago that due to the meetings of the most important central banks, volatility can be expected. The currency markets did...

Mastercard Christmas Spending Survey Reveals Poles’ Gift Preferences and Finances

Over half of the survey respondents intend to spend up to 1000 złoty on Christmas shopping; 46% of those surveyed admit that they...

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