Europe needs to beef up its readiness to respond to the consequences of the increasingly frequent natural disasters, including by increasing the budget of...
"Hungary is currently a problem for the European Union; they contribute nothing constructive to its actions. Therefore, the Hungarian presidency will be a period...
In the last decade, housing accessibility has become an increasingly significant problem worldwide. Cities that were once affordable have now reached astronomic property value...
FREENOW, a European app for taxi and multimodal transportation, has announced that it has reached the point of profitability. The company's current strategy, which...
Jet Investment, one of the largest Czech private equity and industrial real estate management companies, has launched a new fund dedicated to early-stage companies...
Panattoni is launching a pan-European fund, aimed at investing in modern, sustainable, and profitable logistic properties.
Panattoni Income Fund is an open "evergreen" model fund...
Companies that rent warehouses are increasingly utilizing advanced technologies and must meet their target customers' demands while also looking after their employees. Standard halls...
Border controls will extend the border-crossing time by an average of 20 minutes, leading to an increase in transport costs. Two-thirds of German imports...
Only 37 percent of European employees are satisfied with their total compensation package. Poles evaluate their situation significantly better.
As many as 60 percent of...