Deloitte: Poland enters the phase of economic expansion

The divergence of economic moods in Poland...

Two Years On: War in Ukraine and Its Global Impact

On February 24, 2022, a full-scale Russian...

Tag: Allianz

US Stocks Soar, Europe Recovers (Unevenly): Polish Companies Lag in Q1 Earnings

American companies represented in the S&P 500 index have reported better-than-expected results; meanwhile, there is also improvement in the European Stoxx 600 index, but...

OPEC+ Meeting Likely to Maintain Status Quo, Oil Prices Expected to Average $84 in 2024

The upcoming OPEC+ meeting on June 1 is unlikely to bring major surprises, as Allianz Trade expects the current supply restrictions to be maintained....

Central Eastern Europe: Inflation is back on the rise

The disinflationary trend in Central Eastern Europe (CEE) has come to an end. Allianz Trade expects inflation to pick up again and exceed...

73% of Polish Companies Confident About Export Prospects for 2024

73% of Polish Companies Confident About Export Prospects for 2024: After the Storm, Comes the Sun? Despite a general confidence, Polish managers are the least...

Geopolitical Instability in the Middle East: Impact on Market Valuations and Investor Behavior

Talion – the punishment must match the severity of the crime committed. The increasing geopolitical instability in the Middle East and expectations of retaliation...

UK trade tricks to curb post-Brexit inflation – UK border controls on food from EU including Poland begin

From April 30, British Border Controls on EU Food Begin – Four Years Post-Brexit, Delayed Five Times. To Counteract Inflation Rise Due to Expected...

There’s no such thing as a free weapon… – how to finance the defense expenditures

How to finance the defense expenditure of EU member states increased to 2% of their GDP? Three options: budget cuts, debt financing, tax increases....

Chocoflation: Chocolate Prices Set to Rise as Cocoa Shortage Continues

For the third consecutive year, cocoa production is less significant than demand - why is it not growing and how will it (and in...

Poland with a record number of insolvencies

In 2023, three-quarters of countries recorded an increase in corporate insolvencies, marking a +7% rise at the global level. The year 2024 may signal...

Europe seems to be lagging behind the United States on many fronts

Over the past 25 years since the introduction of the euro, the economic gap between the United States and the eurozone has nearly tripled. ...

Poland’s Country Risk Assessment Remains Stable

Country Risk Atlas: In 2023, 21 economies raised their risk rating, while only 4 were downgraded; for Poland, it remained unchanged (economic risk assessment...

Eurozone on the right track for a soft landing

While private consumption and investment remain weak in the eurozone, the labor market is exceptionally strong, with real incomes growing. This bodes well for...

China’s Economic Rebound Falters, Highlighting Weaknesses and Future Challenges

As predicted by Allianz Trade, China's GDP growth in 2023 reached +5.2%, surpassing the (easy) official target, but also reflecting weaknesses, including persistently low...

ECB Balances Risks of Inflation and Recession, Delays Rate Cuts

Allianz Trade predicts that the ECB will once again keep interest rates unchanged at its next meeting on 25 January and will refrain from...

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