Deloitte: Poland enters the phase of economic expansion

The divergence of economic moods in Poland...

Two Years On: War in Ukraine and Its Global Impact

On February 24, 2022, a full-scale Russian...

Negative property value – 5 most common situations

It happens that the amount in the property appraisal report is preceded by a negative sign. This poses a problem for the owner or potential investor, as such...

Finding Rental Apartments Under 2,000 Zlotys is Nearly Impossible as Prices Continue to Rise

You won't find rental apartments for less than two thousand zlotys, even for studio...

Poland leads in growth of residential rents in the EU – Warsaw surpasses Prague and Vienna

Poland has experienced one of the fastest rent increases across the European Union in...

What did the end of summer bring in the real estate industry and what to expect until the end of the year?

The summer in the real estate industry was marked by a relative stability in...

The Warsaw office market is gaining strength, while regional markets struggle with falling demand and increasing vacancies

In recent times, much more has been happening in the Warsaw office market than...

Smaller Shopping Centers Fill the Gap in Poland’s Retail Landscape

The pandemic, conflict in Ukraine as well as inflation and high interest rates that recent years have brought have reshaped the real estate market...

Stronger-Than-Expected Housing Loan Demand in March 2024

The value of inquiries for housing loans increased by 68.7% year-on-year in March 2024, according to the BIK Index of Demand for Housing Loans....

The Rise of Retail Parks in Poland: Trends and Opportunities

Over the last few years, retail parks in Poland were mostly developed in smaller formats, around 5,000 square meters, either adding to the existing...

Housing Construction in Poland Booms in February, Despite Low Base Effect

Statistics from GUS (Main statistical office in Poland) on housing construction in the first weeks of each year usually signal a seasonal weakening of...

Polish Housing Market Heats Up: Developer Activity Soars, Apartments Still in High Demand

The outcome of stimulating demand through the "Safe Credit 2%" initiative has resulted in a sustained interest in purchasing apartments. Even after the program's...

Polish Real Estate Development Sees Signs of Recovery

The real estate development industry rates February 2024 as markedly better than January. The continuation of the current pace of issuing building permits offers...

Cautious Optimism for Polish Real Estate Market – MIPIM 2024 takeaways

A tentative, moderate optimism was noticeable in the mood at MIPIM. There was a lot of talk about Poland in the context of a...

Rise of the Green Offices: Sustainable Construction and Renewable Power

Studies indicate that environmental, social, and governance initiatives (ESG) will increasingly become important to both institutional investors and shareholders, as well as company business...

Retail Boom in Poland: 1.2 Million Square Meters Planned by 2025

Between 2023 and 2025, the retail space is expected to grow by over 1.2 million square meters, according to estimates by the Polish Council...

Last Chance to Redeem Land from Perpetual Usufruct by August 31st

Until the 31st of August, entrepreneurs who hold ‘perpetual usufruct’ rights on land have the opportunity to apply for its redemption. Annual fees for...

Demand for housing for immigrants will grow. Housing issues should be part of migration policy

"Regulating housing issues as part of migration policy should be a major challenge for the state," believes Dr. Mariusz Kowalski from the Eastern Europe...

Good prospects for the Polish warehouse and industrial market

According to the latest report “Industrial and Warehouse Market in Poland”, released by real estate advisory firm Newmark Polska, 2023 was one of the...

Polish Rental Market Rebounds: Listings Increase, Prices Stabilize After New Year’s Surge

After the New Year's surge in the rental market, February saw further rebuilding of the rental apartment base. By the end of the month,...

The share of local capital in the Polish real estate market is still negligible. REIT Legislation Seen as Booster for Stalled Polish Commercial Real...

Domestic investors hold only a 2% share in the Polish real estate market, compared to 60% in the Czech Republic. This is partly due...

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