Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Prof. Jerzy MaƂachowski Appointed Acting Director of the NCBR

SCIENCEProf. Jerzy MaƂachowski Appointed Acting Director of the NCBR

Minister of Science, Dariusz Wieczorek, has appointed Prof. Dr. hab. Eng. Jerzy MaƂachowski as acting director of the National Center for Research and Development. Prof. MaƂachowski took on this role on March 7 of this year.

Prof. Dr. hab. Eng. Jerzy MaƂachowski is a graduate of the Military University of Technology in Warsaw. He was awarded the title of Professor in technical sciences in 2019. His research and technological development is focused on three main areas: development of material and structural research methods, development of computer research methods and simulations in issues related to security and defense, and the development of research methods in biomedical engineering.

He has led numerous projects and been involved in over 30 similar endeavors focused on scientific, developmental and implementation works, funded by NCN, NCBR, EU (FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020), EDA (European Defence Agency), and Science for Peace and Security (SPS-NATO). The results of these studies include 9 patents, with an additional 3 pending approval; a silver medal at the “Brussels INNOVA 2009” World Fair of Inventiveness, Scientific Research and New Technologies; 8 implemented technological solutions for business entities; numerous technological expertise and assessments.

He has been and remains a member of the scientific committees of over 40 national and international conferences. Lately, Prof. MaƂachowski has served on academic councils and committees e.g., as a member of the Committee of Mechanics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), member of the Section of Mechanics of Structures and Materials of the PAN Committee on Civil and Water Engineering, chairperson of the Council of the Scientific Discipline of Mechanical Engineering at WAT, and member of the National Research Council of the Wojskowy Institute of Medical Sciences, among others. Since 2016, Prof. MaƂachowski has been Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at WAT.

He regularly reviews scientific articles in JCR-listed journals. He has over 600 published works to his credit. Recently, he has maintained ongoing international collaborations with numerous research centers and universities in Europe. He is a scholarship recipient of the NATO Fellowship Programme and the US Research Council, allowing him to conduct scientific internships at Florida State University and Indiana State University.

In 2023, Prof. MaƂachowski was awarded for significant achievements in scientific activities (team award). In 2022, he was honored with the Rector-Commandant’s team award for organizational achievements at WAT. He has also received several other accolades, including the Gold Cross of Merit from the President of the Republic of Poland in 2010 and the Medal of the National Education Commission in 2011.

NCBR Under the Supervision of the Minister of Science

As of March 7, the National Center for Research and Development, after a break of over a year and a half, returned under the supervision of the minister responsible for science and higher education. This occurred as a result of the Act of January 26, 2024 on amending the Act on NCBR and the Act – Law on Higher Education and Science coming into effect.

From August 1, 2022, to March 6, 2024, supervision over the National Center for Research and Development was carried out by the minister responsible for regional development.

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