Polish Used Car Market Stability Continues, with Younger Cars and Higher Prices

AUTOMOTIVEPolish Used Car Market Stability Continues, with Younger Cars and Higher Prices

Mileage of 188 thousand km, age of 12.7 years, and a price close to 30 thousand PLN – this is the average characteristic of cars that were most often offered for sale on the Polish second-hand market in 2023. However, statistics show that the median age of second-hand cars is gradually decreasing, and the share of newer vehicles on offer is increasing – while in 2022, sellers offered just over 79 thousand four-year-old cars, last year there were already over 104 thousand of them. Therefore, the prices of used cars are rising, which last year turned out to be on average 6.7 thousand PLN higher than in the previous year.

“The used car market in Poland has stabilized for now. At the end of the year, the number of used car sales offers was around 200 thousand, which is the average end of the year. We see a high interest in buying used cars, and on the other hand, the supply is not decreasing,” says Paweł Molasy, business country manager at AAA Auto Polska.

According to the “AAA Auto Barometer” report, based on the analysis of data on the sale of used cars in dealerships, on websites and at used car dealers, in December 2023, 198.74 thousand second-hand cars were offered in Poland (an increase of almost 2 thousand cars compared to November). In the whole of 2023, a total of 2 million 36 thousand cars were offered for sale in the secondary market, which means an increase of 297.3 thousand offers compared to the previous year.

Statistics show that the most popular model offered for sale in the secondary market last year was Opel Astra (55.5 thousand offers), followed by Audi A4 (44.9 thousand), and third, Volkswagen Golf (43.6 thousand). The most numerous offers presented cars with Diesel engines (969.2 thousand cars), and second place – with petrol engines (885.1 thousand). Cars powered by LPG (117.4 thousand offers), hybrids (54.3 thousand), and electric ones (9.7 thousand) followed. Interestingly, last year there were also nine offers of cars powered by fuel cells. Statistics show that – considering the body type – SUVs have seen a significant increase in popularity in recent years. While in 2015 they accounted for 6.2% of the secondary market sales, last year that percentage rose to 20.2%.

“Looking through the prism of 2023, we also see a greater supply of cars in vintages up to four years. This Polish stock is getting younger, which is very positive because the condition of these cars is definitely better,” assesses Paweł Molasy.

According to data recently published by Eurostat, Poles drive the oldest cars in Europe – as much as 41.3% of them are over 20 years old. Over 37% are cars aged 10-20 years, and only less than 5% are cars up to two years old.

In the second-hand car market, the average median age was 12.7 years last year and fell from 13.5 years in 2022. There was a greater influx of young cars, aged four-six years, than in previous years. While in 2022 sellers offered just over 79 thousand four-year-old vehicles, last year there were already over 104 thousand. Experts point out that the change in the age structure of registered passenger cars in Poland is a fact, which will in time positively affect safety on Polish roads.

“The median price of a used car was almost 30 thousand PLN, which means an increase of 6.7 thousand PLN compared to the previous year. So the prices of used cars in 2023 increased, but not because the cars themselves have become more expensive, but due to the fact that the cars are younger, and younger cars are, as we know, a bit more expensive,” explains the business country manager at AAA Auto Polska.

AAA Auto statistics show that in December the median price of cars from the secondary market was 32.9 thousand PLN. Although it was 1 thousand PLN (2.9%) lower than a month earlier, it increased by 2 thousand PLN (6.5%) compared to December 2022. However, considering the whole year 2023, the median price was 29.7 thousand PLN, which means an increase of 6.7 thousand PLN year on year. For comparison, back in 2015, the median price of a used car in Poland was about 12.7 thousand PLN.

“The prices of used cars are rising due to the increase in the share of new cars on offer and high inflation. Today, the average price of a new car is about 175 thousand PLN, and we know that not everyone can afford a new car, so customers are looking for used cars, a little fresher, just up to four years old. On the other hand, the supply on this market is not that large, and when we have a smaller supply, prices increase,” explains Paweł Molasy.

Despite the gradual stabilization of the market, last year turned out to be poor for importers of used cars. 805.77 thousand cars from abroad arrived in Poland – 4.3% more than a year earlier, but as much as 14.3% less compared to 2021. In relation to the record 2019, when the import exceeded 1 million vehicles, the fall reached as much as 20%.

“Import in 2023 fell due to the fact that, first of all, the euro exchange rate was very unfavorable for import, and secondly, the cars bought from our western neighbors are not necessarily cheaper. The good examples are often more expensive, they have better engines, better equipment, but usually also have larger mileage,” the expert says.

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