Most Poles Fear Diseases and Inflation, Study Reveals

REPORTS & ANALYSISMost Poles Fear Diseases and Inflation, Study Reveals

According to a report titled “Current Fears and Worries of Poles,” nearly 94% of the population fear at least one of the potential 37 scenarios that have been listed. The majority fear diseases affecting their loved ones. The second-ranked fear is personal illness while inflation, specifically the depreciation of money, takes up the third spot. Interestingly, this aspect was number one in previous editions of the study. Currently, the top five also includes worries about a rise in food prices in shops, as well as an increase in the costs of electricity and heating. The collapse of church community and fluctuations in property prices round up the current list of fears and anxieties.

The latest report, based on a recurring social opinion poll involving over a thousand participants, reveals that nearly 94% of Polish adults fear at least one of about 40 scenarios mentioned in the survey. Over 2% of poll participants feared nothing, while less than 1% fear something that was not encompassed in the study. More than 3% were undecided.

“Most participants fear the near future, as recent years had been socially, economically and politically difficult. The current situation is particularly interesting because we are in the midst of several electoral campaigns, having completed parliamentary elections, and with local elections, European Parliament elections and presidential elections pending. All this heightens social fears, primarily related to the lack of access to health care, inflation, energy security, potential Russian attack on Poland, or the illegal influx of immigrants. All these factors form the fuel for the elections; politicians exploit them to gain political capital.” says Dr. Michał Pienias from the Łazarski University in Warsaw.

Considering the current situation, the authors of the study recently expanded the list of possible fears and anxieties to 37 items. Survey participants were asked to indicate everything they fear might happen in the near future. This time, diseases of loved ones received the highest number of votes, nearly 49% of participants. Interestingly, in previous editions of the report, the main concern was inflation, including the depreciation of money.

“Inflation has slipped from the top spot, but remember that fear of loved ones’ illnesses has an economic dimension too. It may manifest as increased spending on health prevention. This is a key topic from a political point of view. Free access to health care, waiting time, and quality of services are issues that Poles closely monitor.” assures Michał Pajdak, one of the co-authors of the report from platform.

Next on the list is the fear of personal illness, which was reported by almost 39% of participants. In third place is fear of inflation and the depreciation of money with nearly 38%. Also in the top five are rising food and other goods prices in shops, reported by almost 31%, and the rise in electricity and heating costs, reported by 30%. “Approximately one in three people highlighting these fears suggests that they seriously plague society. In the face of health, economic, and social difficulties, fears of disease may currently be emphasized more.” comments Michał Murgrabia from the platform.

In addition to the top five, the list includes threats such as weather anomalies (frosts, snowstorms, hurricanes, floods) – almost 29%, a decrease in quality of life – more than 28%, an influx of immigrants – over 25%, death of loved ones – nearly 23%, and a return of the pandemic – just under 23%.

“The issue of the influx of immigrants shows exceptional dynamism. A year ago, 17% were worried about this, and six months ago – 23%. It means that this problem is visible and constantly growing, and Poles experience it in practice. And it’s not only about war-related issues. Many small towns are experiencing an influx of migrant workers from Asia. They inject new skills, labor force, and entrepreneurship into the economy. They also foster economic growth by increasing production potential and consumption. However, many Poles may feel that newcomers are taking their jobs or creating competition in the market.” points out Michał Pajdak.

To sum up, the least fear and concerns are generated by the collapse of the church community – almost 3%. Few more people fear fluctuations in property prices – over 4%, breakup of own relationship or divorce – over 5%, increase in currency prices – 6%, and also a traffic accident – over 7%.

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