Deloitte: Poland enters the phase of economic expansion

The divergence of economic moods in Poland...

Two Years On: War in Ukraine and Its Global Impact

On February 24, 2022, a full-scale Russian...

Polish entrepreneurs spend an average of 334 hours annually on tax formalities

The dynamically changing tax regulations in recent years have significantly impacted the fulfillment of tax obligations in Polish enterprises. Poland has the second most complex tax system according to...

Only 25% of Polish Companies Prepared for Upcoming ESG Reporting Requirements

Data from the latest Ayming Polska report indicates that only 25% of surveyed companies...

Changes to Polish Police Information System Legislation Required After CJEU Ruling

The CJEU ruling in case C-118/22 necessitates reconsideration of the Act on the Police...

Impact of the CJEU Ruling on Polish Laws Regarding Compensation Claims for Data Breaches

The ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on April...

Polish Authorities Intensify Inspections: Over Half of Customs and Tax Audits Reveal Irregularities

In the past six years, Polish customs and tax offices have conducted over 6,000...

The Ministry of Health aims to ban the sale of menthol cartridges for tobacco heaters. According to experts, this will lead to an increase...

The latest legislative proposals from the Ministry of Health could disrupt the declining trend in the gray market, which reached a historic low in...

European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) Ruling on Surveillance in Poland

On May 28, 2024, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled on the case of Pietrzak, Bychawska-Siniarska and Others v. Poland (applications no....

New Regulation Impedes Warehouse Construction in Poland

The government is hindering the logistics industry. Changes introduced at the last minute, after public consultations, in the regulation by the Minister of Development...

The Sejm passed the whistleblower protection act

On Thursday, May 23rd, the Sejm passed the Whistleblower Protection Act, aimed at protecting individuals who report violations of the law, regardless of the...

Preparing for Pay Transparency: Directive 2023/970 and Its Implications for Employers

Directive 2023/970 will come into effect on June 7, 2026. Organizations should start preparing for its implementation now, especially those employing over 150 workers....

EU Court Denies Registration of “Pablo Escobar” Trademark

The EU Court has refused the registration of the word mark "Pablo Escobar" as an EU trademark, deeming it contrary to public order and...

Companies in Poland Lagging in ESG Reporting – Only 19% Ready for New EU Requirements

48% of surveyed companies declare that they have previously published ESG reports. However, only 19% are technologically prepared to meet the challenge of sustainable...

Council of Ministers Approves Bill to Enhance Consumer Class Action Lawsuits

The Council of Ministers has approved a draft bill amending the Act on Pursuing Claims in Group Proceedings and certain other acts. The draft,...

Rise in Divorce Filings in Poland: Over 21,000 Cases in the First Quarter of 2024

According to data from 47 regional courts across Poland, more than 21,100 divorce filings were recorded in the first quarter of 2024. This represents...

Challenges in Polish Rental Market: The Need for Balanced Tenant and Landlord Rights

Rent arrears, property damage, or moving out without payment are just a few of the problems tenants can cause for property owners. According to...

The Future of AI in Poland – Results of the Pre-consultations on the Implementation of the Artificial Intelligence Act

The Artificial Intelligence Act is the first law of its kind in the world, designed to comprehensively regulate the development and application of AI....

Lewiatan Confederation proposes amendments to draft law on assistance to Ukrainian citizens

Maintaining the 14-day deadline for employers to notify the assignment of work to Ukrainian citizens, or extending the rights of medical personnel from Ukraine...

Building Trust in the Crypto Wild West: Poland’s Upcoming Crypto-Asset Regulations

In recent years, the cryptocurrency market has experienced tremendous growth, as evidenced by the legendary rise in the value of Bitcoin. Unfortunately, the increasing...

Deposit System in Poland Gets Closer: VAT Exemption, Tracking Mechanism Proposed

The Polish Parliament (Sejm) is soon to address a new bill concerning the deposit system, the launch of which is planned for January 2025....

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