In 2024, the Medical Research Agency received two to three times more applications than usual. This was due to five competitions under the National Recovery Plan, particularly focusing on...
Long commuting time to work is significantly linked to the severity of depression symptoms - a finding confirmed by Korean scientists. People whose commute...
The financial condition of county hospitals in Poland is extremely poor, as evidenced by increasing losses in operations and mounting debts. The situation has...
Nearly 60% of patients in Poland who needed mental health support did not seek help, fearing stigmatization. For every 100,000 citizens, there are only...
Contrary to popular belief, morning naps after waking up are not harmful to our body - argue scientists from Stockholm University. It turns out that...
Continuous abstinence leads to improved brain condition in people who previously abused alcohol, scientists from Stanford University have proved. Researchers observed an increase in...
The biopharmaceutical companies Biotts SA and Bioton SA have signed a cooperation agreement. The stock exchange company will supply insulin for patches allowing drug...
The sectors comprising the life sciences industry, such as biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical, are currently areas of intensive innovation. Examples of digitization and modernization...