Financial Priorities and Concerns of Generation Z

The cost of living, associated with the rising prices of housing, food, and energy, compounded by global tensions triggered by situations such as the war in Ukraine, is noticeably...

Polish Non-Bank Loan Market Sees Significant Growth in Both Purpose and Cash Loans in August 2024

The Polish non-bank loan market is divided into two main product segments: purpose loans...

Decline in Indebted Farmers Recorded, but Experts Warn of an Incomplete Picture

At the end of June this year, entries concerning 1.5 thousand unreliable debtors from...

Decrease in the Number of Indebted Poles, but Average Debt Continues to Rise in 2024

Data from three different registers indicate that by the end of the first half...

Loan Growth in Poland: August 2024 Sees Increases Across Mortgage, Cash, and Installment Loans

In August 2024, compared to August 2023, banks and credit cooperative organizations (SKOKs) granted...

Generative AI: Transformative Power or Troubling Threat for the Banking Industry?

The latest Mastercard Signals report, "Generative AI: The transformation of banking", addresses the impact of generative artificial intelligence on the financial sector. The authors...

Misinformation the Biggest Short-Term Threat, Environmental Threats Dominate Long-Term Landscape

Misinformation is the biggest short-term threat, while extreme weather events and critical changes in Earth's systems are the key long-term challenges. Two thirds...

Economic Rebound in 2024 Expected to Bring Debt Relief but Not Overhaul Payment Habits

The economy will rebound significantly in 2024, especially in the second half of the year. This will reflect on the financial health of both...

Monetary Policy Council to Hold Rates Steady Amidst Fiscal Stimulus, Credit Expansion

The current political and economic situation reaffirms my belief that there will be no changes to interest rates at the upcoming meeting of the...

Demand for housing loans soars to record high in December

The value of inquiries for housing loans increased by 421% in December 2023, according to the BIK Housing Loan Demand Index. The value of...

Implications and Challenges of a New Housing Support Program

The "Safe Mortgage 2%" program, suspended since January 2024, is expected to be replaced in July by a new one called "Start-Up Flat". Experts...

Poles Prefer Realistic Financial Goals Over New Year’s Resolutions

Poles approach New Year's resolutions with skepticism. According to the Provident Barometer, less than 30 percent intend to keep them. What’s significantly more important...

Polish Consumer Sentiment Edges Down in December, Still Beats EU Average

In December 2023, the consumer sentiment index in Poland slightly decreased to -3 units. However, the index significantly increased throughout the year. It was...

Debts of Polish Farmers on the Rise amid Inflation and Geopolitical Challenges

At the end of the third quarter of last year, there were almost 4% fewer farmer-entrepreneurs in the National Debt Register than a year...

New Housing Subsidy Program to Boost Mortgage Demand, But Concerns Remain

If it wasn't for the Safe Mortgage 2% program, the housing market could be doing really poorly. The level of credit action we observed...

Debt Relief Mechanisms for Polish Farmers Need Urgent Reform

The support mechanisms for indebted farmers are not effective, as reported by industry representatives who are calling for urgent changes. The National Centre for...

Record Breaking Lending in November 2023: Housing Loans Surge, Government Program Drives Demand

In November 2023, compared to November 2022, banks and credit unions granted more of all types of credit products: housing loans (+255.7%), installment loans...

Demand for Non-Bank Financing Spikes in November

In November, there was a clear increase in interest in non-bank financing. Compared to last year, the number of queries about customers applying for...

Polish Micro-Businesses Secured More Loans in November 2023

In November 2023, compared to November 2022, banks granted more loans (+21.7%) and of a higher value (+32.6%) to micro-entrepreneurs. Sales of loans to micro-entrepreneurs...

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