Deloitte: Poland enters the phase of economic expansion

The divergence of economic moods in Poland...

Two Years On: War in Ukraine and Its Global Impact

On February 24, 2022, a full-scale Russian...

NATO-Ukraine Defense Innovators Forum at AGH University in Krakow

At the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, the NATO-Ukraine Defense Innovators Forum took place. The event was attended by key representatives of the North Atlantic Alliance....

The Degree Dilemma: Education vs. Employability in a Dynamic Job Market

The dynamically changing world requires flexibility, including in the context of education and career...

Beyond Words: How Audio Education Can Help Kids Understand Their World

Even though we spend an average of approximately 60 percent of our communication time...

Alarming Rise in Youth Suicide Attempts: Experts Call for Training to Help Children in Crisis

The number of suicide attempts among individuals under 18 is growing at an alarming...

Polish seniors lag behind in the EU in terms of digital skills. The government wants to involve public media in education

In Poland, there are about 10 million people aged 60 and over. According to...

Krakow Receives Cultural Boost from EU Funds and New National Book Institute Established

Grants for Krakow's cultural institutions from the European FEnIKS program will invigorate local communities. Krakow will also become the headquarters for a new, nationwide...

Polish Ministry Announces Sweeping Reforms to Address Student Mental Health Crisis

The mental health crisis among students has long been evident in the entire school environment. This is confirmed by recent reports and police statistics...

Education System Fails to Equip Students with Soft Skills Needed for Future Jobs, Expert Warns

"Reforms of the Polish education system do not improve its efficiency, as it is still a system based on grading, not encouraging the search...

Polish Schools Aim for Change: Mental Wellbeing, Inclusive Education, and Curriculum Reform

A number of changes are expected in Polish schools. Last month, consultations were held on a draft amendment to the regulation, which includes changes...

Program “Laptop for a Student” suspended. Accusations from the prosecutor’s office in the background

The government's plans to suspend the "Laptop for Student" and "Laptop for Teacher" programs, which aimed to support the development of digital skills, are...

Polish Anti-Plagiarism System Now Detects AI-Generated Content in Thesis Papers

Detecting content written by artificial intelligence (AI) in thesis papers will now be easier. Such a module has been added to the Uniform Anti-Plagiarism...

Fighting Plagiarism in the AI Age: Polish System Identifies Theses Written with ChatGPT

Given the fast-growing popularity of the ChatGPT tool and the heightened risk of students using it in writing their theses, experts from the Information...

AI Sparks Education Revolution: Personalized Learning & Adaptive Pathways

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be a tool for exploration – working with AI models can be beneficial for biologists, historians, pharmacists. It can be...

AGH launched its own 5G network

The AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow is one of the few in Poland to have received a radio license from the Office...

AI in the Classroom: Fostering Critical Thinking and Responsible Use

With the increasing prevalence of artificial intelligence, there are also more issues and doubts arising, such as misinformation on social media, the creation of...

AGH and Orbital Space Partner to Send Student-Designed Device to the Moon

The AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow has signed a cooperation agreement with Orbital Space, a company based in the United Arab...

New Union of Educational Employers Formed to Improve Polish Education

Easier access to the profession and upgrading professional qualifications, ideas for improving working conditions in education, and increasing the quality of education? There's a...

New biotechnologies for agriculture and gardeners have been developed at UW

Scientists from the UW Department of Biology plan to provide farmers, plant breeders and the horticultural industry with new solutions. These are biopreparations based...

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