Deloitte: Poland enters the phase of economic expansion

The divergence of economic moods in Poland...

Two Years On: War in Ukraine and Its Global Impact

On February 24, 2022, a full-scale Russian...

Golden algae and salinization are not the only problems for Polish rivers. The blooming of other algae also has serious consequences

The 'Golden Algae', a consequence of negative human activities, was the cause of an ecological disaster on the Odra river two years ago, and this year, among other places...

ESG Reporting: New obligation, new challenges for entrepreneurs

ESG stands for Environmental, Social, Governance, which are the main pillars and indicators used...

New FSC Standard for Responsible Forest Management in Poland to Take Effect from October 1, 2024

The new standard for responsible FSC forest management for Poland will take effect...

NCBR Launches Third Hydrostrateg Competition with a PLN 100 Million Budget for Innovative Water Management Solutions

The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) announces the third competition within the...

Radical Climate Protest Tactics May Reduce Public Support for Climate Action, Study Finds

Climate activists are increasingly using peaceful civil disobedience to raise public ecological awareness. Research...

Krakow’s smog ranking improves dramatically

In the latest ranking released by the Polish Smog Alarm, one can find record-breaking smog levels dating back to 2015. The leader is Nowa...

Plastics Industry Must Embrace Design for Recycling, Effective Deposit Systems, and Greater Role for Recyclates in Production

In the face of increasing plastic production, which might reach 1 billion tons per year by 2050, the challenges of sustainable development are becoming...

EUDR Prohibits Products Linked to Forest Degradation

Over the past 30 years, deforestation has led to the loss of 420 million hectares, or more than 10 percent of forest area. The...

EU Taxonomy Barometer 2023: Despite Challenges, Vast Majority of Companies Complying

"The EU Taxonomy Barometer 2023," compiled by EY for the second time, reveals that the Taxonomy is a challenge for companies seeking to implement...

Achieving Climate Neutrality Requires a Shift in Attitude from Banks and Governments

Reducing the Earth's temperature by an average of 1.5°C would decrease the likelihood of extreme droughts or water shortages. To achieve this, a rapid...

The European Blue Deal (Blue Order) is a chance for Poland

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) continues working under the slogan "Call for Blue Deal". The Blue Deal is intended to be the...

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