Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Easter Shopping in Poland 2024: Balancing Price, Quality, and Tradition

COMMERCEEaster Shopping in Poland 2024: Balancing Price, Quality, and Tradition

According to the latest report from the BLIX Group, 81.2% of consumers responsible for household shopping will purchase groceries for the holidays at discount prices this year. This is a 0.3 percentage point decrease compared to last year. On the other hand, 5.5% of respondents will buy Easter products at regular prices, which is 0.3 percentage points more than previously. It is also evident that 38.9% of consumers will opt for tried and tested products and novelties, slightly more people than last year. The price of goods will still have the greatest impact on the purchasing decision – 58.3%. However, its significance has significantly decreased from last year, down by 15.8 percentage points. Next in line in terms of importance will be promotions and quality.

According to the cyclical report titled “Polish Christmas Shopping 2024” by the BLIX Group, this year 81.2% of consumers responsible for household shopping will purchase groceries for the holidays at discount prices (81.5% last year). For 7.3% of shoppers, this does not matter (up from 7% previously). 5.6% of store customers are undecided (down from 6.3% last year). Only 5.5% of respondents will buy Easter products at regular prices (5.2%) and 0.4% will negotiate at markets or bazaars (0%).

“The survey shows that promotions still play a key role in Polish purchasing decisions. This is a clear reflection of consumers’ search for the best value for money. Given last year’s price increases and current economic uncertainty, discounts are an attractive option, allowing for limiting expenditure. They facilitate sticking to the planned budget, especially in the costly pre-holiday period. This also explains the stable popularity of promotions. A slight drop in indications may suggest that factors other than the price are starting to become more important,” says Marcin Lenkiewicz, one of the co-authors of the study from the BLIX group.

The second co-author of the study from the BLIX Group, Dr. Krzysztof Łuczak, points to a small percentage increase in people who will buy at regular prices. This is surprising in the context of the aforementioned price increases. However, it can be understood by analyzing two aspects. “Firstly, some consumers may have got used to the higher prices and see them as the new norm, which reduces their propensity to look for promotions. Secondly, customers who decide to buy products at regular prices may do so for reasons such as loyalty to certain brands, higher requirements for product quality or avoiding the need to track promotions and adjust their shopping plans to them,” explains Dr. Łuczak.

The study also showed that 38.9% of respondents will buy tested products and novelties (previously, 35.8%). 25.3% of respondents will stick to trusted brands (the same as last year). 16.2% of the survey participants are open to novelties (down from 18.9% last year). 10.1% of respondents are leaning towards own brands (down from 10.4% last year). For 6.3% of consumers, this does not matter (up from 5.2% previously) and 3.2% of shoppers are undecided (down from 4.4%).

“The increase in the percentage of people going for tried and tested items and novelties may result from the growing need for stability and trust in known products. At the same time, it speaks of openness to previously unavailable options, which can bring freshness to holiday traditions. The aforementioned increase may be a result of increased access to information about new products through digital media and social media. This usually makes it easier for consumers to decide to try them,” says Dr. Łuczak.

According to Marcin Lenkiewicz, the unchanged popularity of trusted brands shows that holidays are usually not a time for shopping experiments. “Poles prefer to rely on products they already know and prefer. This is not surprising, as Easter is a time when many consumers opt for tradition and the certainty that their carefully prepared dishes and desserts will taste as expected,” emphasizes the expert.

Respondents also indicated what will most influence their decision to choose certain food products during holiday shopping this year. Above all, it will be the price – 58.3% (down from 74.1% last year).

“Fewer people than last year indicate price as the main factor influencing the choice of food products during holiday shopping. The drop is significant. However, it cannot be definitively stated that this is the result of weakening inflation, without precise economic data confirming this trend. In reality, many other factors could have influenced this trend. Firstly, prolonged periods of inflation can lead to so-called inflationary inaction. This means that inflation expectations stabilize at a higher level and price ceases to be the main criterion for choice. Secondly, consumers begin to place greater emphasis on other values, such as quality, origin of products or health and environmental aspects,” analyzes Marcin Lenkiewicz.

The choice of specific food products during holiday shopping will also be influenced by issues such as promotion – 48.7% (slightly up from 48.4% last year), quality – 41.2% (down from 53.3% last year), personal experience – 33.2% (up from 29.7% last year), availability – 24% (up from 18.4% last year), and also proximity to the place of purchase – 16.3% (up from 11.5%). “In the context of constant pressure to save, promotions can be seen as a way to get a good quality product at the lowest possible price. The decrease in the importance of quality compared to last year does not necessarily mean that consumers consider it less important,” explains Dr. Krzysztof Łuczak.

Marcin Lenkiewicz argues that the tendency to seek savings through promotions can be a result of not only economic pressure, but also an increasing emphasis on conscious management of the household budget. Moreover, in the face of a large availability of information about promotions, through various channels, it is easier for consumers to compare offers and choose the most advantageous ones.

“It is also noticeable that availability and proximity of the place of purchase have gained in importance. This may reflect the desire to limit the time spent on shopping or be a result of optimizing purchasing logistics and living at a faster pace,” concludes Dr. Krzysztof Łuczak.

The study was conducted using online interviews by the BLIX Group on a sample of 1294 active consumers, who in their own households are responsible for making purchases.

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