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Unity Group changes its name to Univio

COMPANIESUnity Group changes its name to Univio

The change to Univio is part of the company’s foreign expansion strategy, currently focused on the DACH market, and in the future also on other European markets.

The consolidation of brands under the new name prepares the company for the next acquisitions and further development in prospective areas.

Univio is a new name, but the same values: modernity, innovation, and consistently delivering the highest value for customers.

Unity Group, one of the leading companies in the digital transformation of trade and e-commerce solutions, announces a change of name to Univio. This step is not only a new version of the brand, but also an expression of the company’s determination to further develop in international markets and the next stage on the way to building a position of the European leader in modern technologies.

Investing in the future and consolidation

Changing the name to Univio is a strategic move that supports the company’s long-term development in international markets and is part of the brand consolidation process after recent acquisitions. “The decision to change the name is an important element of our strategy to not only protect the brand in foreign markets but also prepare the company for the next steps in the M&A area. The new name is a symbol of new strength, reflecting our ambitions for dynamic company development in the coming years and opening up new opportunities” – says Grzegorz Kuczyński, one of the founders and CEO of Univio (formerly Unity Group).

Under the new name, the company focuses on the full integration of companies and teams joined in recent years, such as Global4Net and AllWins, allowing for even more effective use of resources and synergy within the organization. Consolidating brands under the new Univio brand is a natural step in building a coherent structure that will allow the company to better adapt to the specifics of prospective markets, secure the brand, and minimize potential risks for the company’s dynamic development. Univio was honored this year in the prestigious Best Managed Companies competition organized by Deloitte, confirming that the strategy adopted by the company works and offers excellent prospects for further growth.

“We focus on organic growth, which remains a priority in the company’s strategy. This includes the improvement of existing competencies as well as the expansion of the service portfolio to better respond to the needs of customers. At the same time, the company wants to continue to actively work in the area of mergers and acquisitions, identifying and integrating valuable entities that can strengthen its market position. Combining organic development with capital investments will allow Univio to scale up its activities, introduce innovations, and build its position as a leader in the digital transformation of trade in European markets”. – emphasizes Marek Lose, one of the founders of Univio.

Good prospects: development in foreign markets and strategic partnerships

The change of the name to Univio is a significant step in the area of the company’s international expansion, currently focused particularly on the DACH market (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), and in the future also including other European regions. “Univio is a brand that will allow us to grow dynamically in foreign markets, where we see significant development opportunities. The new name will enable us to create lasting recognition of the company outside Poland – it will be an element supporting the building of businesses and cooperation with international customers and partners”. – emphasizes Dominik Janes, Managing Partner of Univio, responsible for foreign development.

The company plans not only to strengthen its position in foreign markets but also to develop strategic partnerships, which are key to further growth. “We place great emphasis on cooperation with leading technology and business partners, which will allow us to further integrate our offer and deliver comprehensive solutions for customers in Europe. We are already working on interesting projects together with foreign partners, and we are ready for new challenges” – adds Dominik Janes.

The managing partners of Univio see immense potential in foreign operations and are convinced that the market will significantly accelerate next year. Therefore, steps are already being taken to prepare for these changes and secure the brand. That’s why the decision was made to consolidate brands and register the new name of the company in the European market. This way, the organization is fully prepared for further dynamic expansion.

New name, same values

Univio is a company with a modern approach to business, committed to innovation and focused on delivering top-quality services. “The new name symbolizes our constant pursuit of implementing the latest technologies and adapting to the changing market needs. We want Univio to be associated with innovative solutions and the future of the IT industry”. – says Grzegorz Rudno-Rudziński, one of the founders of Univio.

However, this change does not mean giving up the values so far. On the contrary, the new name emphasizes the company’s aspirations to continue to develop as a leader in the field of digital transformation and deliver solutions to customers that support them in achieving success. In addition to the main activity in the e-commerce field, the foundation is the development in strategic areas such as consulting and artificial intelligence (AI).

Univio remains faithful to its core values, which have always put development, commitment, and cooperation first. The new name is not just a refreshing image, but also a boost to strengthen the organizational culture that is based on trust and striving for common goals.

The company wants to continue to develop based on progressive practices. As an organization, Univio focuses on team autonomy, reflected in, among other things, decision decentralization, flexible structures, and the “Team-of-Teams” approach, which promotes innovation and quick adaptation to market changes.

For Univio employees, the name change is also an important moment that supports the further growth of the organization. “Our priority is creating an environment where every employee can develop and contribute to innovative projects. The new brand identity gives us all new opportunities and motivates us to jointly build the future of the company”. – underlines Grzegorz Kuczyński.

Univo, therefore, intends to continue its commitment to build a progressive organization culture and deliver comprehensive, modern services, responding to growing market needs and enabling customers to effectively compete in a rapidly changing digital environment.


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