Abroad, on Promotion, and with Savings: A Summer Portrait of Poles

HOSPITALITY INDUSTRYAbroad, on Promotion, and with Savings: A Summer Portrait of Poles

At the beginning of July, the peak vacation season kicks off. For 32% of Poles, summer trips are the only recreational travel of the year. PAYBACK, through its latest PAYBACK Opinion Poll survey, decided to check how we plan to spend this period.

Patriotism Lacking in Summer Travels

Over two-thirds of Poles (65%) plan to go on vacation this year. According to the PAYBACK report, most Poles plan to spend this time outside the country. Foreign destinations (41% of indications) are more popular than domestic ones, planned by 38% of respondents. A significant factor contributing to the popularity of foreign travel is that 34% of people believe it is cheaper than staying in Poland, and 32% consider the costs comparable. Only 9% of respondents admitted that they do not yet know where they will spend their vacation.

Among those who do not plan to travel this summer, the most common reason for canceling trips is broadly understood financial issues, such as other urgent expenses or excessively high prices. A total of 66% of respondents used such arguments. 8% of Poles declare that they generally do not travel during the summer season, while 6.5% plan to travel at another time.

Savings All Year for a Moment of Rest

30% of Poles plan to keep their vacation budget between 2500-4000 PLN per person. A slightly smaller group, 28% of respondents, indicated expenditures between 1000-2500 PLN. According to respondents, this year’s vacation budgets will be similar to last year (48%) or higher (44%). Only 8% of people declared a reduction in their vacation budget.

The largest sources of expenses during holidays will be accommodation (43%) and food (33%). A significant portion of the budget will also be spent on local attractions such as sports equipment rentals or entrance fees (24%). To cover the costs of vacations, most Poles (63%) save throughout the year. Among savers, those who save money for the full 12 months dominate (68%). A relatively large number of people start saving for summer six months in advance (21%). The most commonly used saving strategy is setting aside a predetermined amount each month (24%) and looking for savings during current purchases, for example, by using discounts offered through loyalty programs (18%).

Organizing Vacations Independently and with At Least a Month’s Notice

More than half of Poles (52%) plan their vacations several months in advance, and 22% a month before the start.

Nearly 80% of respondents declare that they usually organize their trips independently or with friends, while 20% use travel agencies. Most reservations are made online (72%) or via email or phone (20%). Discounts and promotions are an important factor when choosing a specific offer for 53% of Poles, while for 43%, they are important but not decisive. 66% of people also declared that they use loyalty programs when organizing trips. Travel insurance is relatively popular, with 36% of travelers always purchasing it, and 41% doing so depending on the destination.

When evaluating vacation offers, respondents most often consider the value for money (38%), the standard of accommodation (30%), and the availability of various attractions at the destination (27%). Surprisingly, the least frequently mentioned element in evaluating offers was the lowest price (7%).

Friends’ Recommendations are the Best Advertising

The most important sources of inspiration for choosing a vacation destination are friends’ recommendations (34%) and social media (26%). Interestingly, a very small group of people draw inspiration from traditional media – both print and television, indicated by only 4%, as well as films and series, which inspire only 4% of people.

Accommodation Close to Attractions in a Quiet Hotel or Apartment

During domestic trips, the most frequently chosen accommodation places are hotels (24%), apartments (15%), and guesthouses (15%). Staying with family and friends (14.5%) and holiday cottages (14%) are also popular.

In foreign travels, this landscape is much less diversified – the most popular solution is hotels, chosen by over half of Poles (54%), and apartments (30%).

Regardless of the destination, the most important factors for travelers when choosing accommodation are financial considerations (39%), proximity to attractions (27%), tranquility (23%), and the ability to organize time according to one’s preferences (21%).

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