Will NATO prevent Russia from further provocations?

SECURITYWill NATO prevent Russia from further provocations?

Is democracy in Europe in danger? It certainly is. One of the main reasons for this is the rise of populist movements across Europe, which are fueled by anti-immigrant sentiments. The current wave of tension in Europe revolves around the creation of threats associated with migrants. This issue has grown to such an extent that the majority of Europe is now afraid of immigrants – those who are coming to Europe and those who are already in Europe. This fear of migrants is the strongest argument used by populist, anti-immigrant movements who are trying to prove that migrants are the biggest threat to democracy. However, they fail to mention that actual threats include Putin and his oligarchs. All the political actions of these populists are directed against immigrants, and this is a direct attack on European democracy.

Regardless of whether Europe will allow further immigration or not, all the events happening in and around the European Union, and consequently NATO, significantly weaken the unity of the European Union and also the unity of NATO. Therefore, NATO should make clear political and military decisions that will serve as a stern warning to Putin – who so far has not been restrained. Ongoing army modernization programs should be prioritized.

Let’s not forget that Sweden and Finland recently joined NATO. This has significantly strengthened NATO – especially for Poland, as it secures our left flank. Hence, Putin must be aware that if he were to start a conflict with Poland, he would also face problems with Finland, and likely Romania in the south.

“Putin’s goal from the beginning was the destruction of the European Union. Everyone in Europe knows that Putin aims to break up the European Union. He realizes that dismantling the European Union is the pathway to undermining the credibility of NATO,” said Waldemar Skrzypczak, retired General of the Polish Armed Forces, speaking to eNewsroom.pl during Retail Trends 2024. “Because many EU member states are also members of NATO, so he found a way to break up NATO by weakening the unity of the European Union. The key issue is to precisely identify Putin’s strategy. Note that Putin has a very different information strategy towards Poland, Romania, the Baltics – and a completely different one towards Italy and France. Therefore, we in France or Italy do not feel threatened at all, but the narrative from Putin is entirely different and we have the right to feel threatened.

The crucial thing is to identify the threats and develop two strategies: one for anti-hybrid warfare, since we are currently struggling with this warfare, and it’s clear that NATO lacks an anti-strategy or an anti-hybrid strategy. And secondly – the forces and means dedicated to anti-Putin operations must be clearly defined so that Putin knows NATO has the upper hand. So far, NATO has not made a move that would send a clear warning signal to Putin that there are certain lines that cannot be crossed.

I believe that such a warning, for example, when Russian missiles fall in Poland, should be delivered to Putin by NATO. Any subsequent missile hurling onto NATO territory will cause counteractions – for instance, the elimination of Russian planes that are flying over the Baltic Sea. We lack a response strategy, we just acknowledge what Russia is doing. If we do not formulate a response strategy and warn Putin that crossing the initially set border will be met with a response from the alliance, then he will continue to do what he does, he will continue to provoke us, he will continue to violate the integrity of our borders and that of NATO. In my opinion, this presents an opportunity for us. We have 3 years as Prime Minister Tusk cited – implying we’ve got 3 years before war. I hope it won’t turn out that way – but we have 3 years to implement all the initiated programs so that Polish Armed Forces are well-organized, so that the Polish soldier is well-trained or well-equipped – so that Poland is able to repel an attack by Russia. This, of course, involves a range of activities taking place within NATO. I believe in Article 5 of NATO. I believe that if there was a large-scale conflict and aggression by Russia against Poland, NATO would react, and NATO has an overwhelming advantage in all systems that would certainly defeat Russia,” the General Waldemar Skrzypczak highlighted.

Source: https://managerplus.pl/3-lata-na-wzmocnienie-obrony-czy-nato-powstrzyma-rosje-przed-dalszymi-prowokacjami-74262

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