Why do Poles get divorced? No surprises. Three reasons account for nearly 70 percent of all decisions

LAWWhy do Poles get divorced? No surprises. Three reasons account for nearly 70 percent of all decisions

The latest report reveals that nearly a third of Poles who decided to get divorced cite incompatibility of characters as the main reason for their decision, accounting for 28.7%. Infidelity in marriage is almost as frequent, at 26.1%, and the third most common reason is substance abuse, at 15.1%. These three reasons together make up 69.9% of all stated causes. With 14.4%, experiencing physical or psychological violence ranked fourth, while financial misunderstandings rounded up the top five, at 5.1%. Notably, there are no mentions of religious disputes. The last places in the ranking are occupied by sexual mismatch, ideological differences, and emotional disorders and mental illnesses.

The report titled “Poles on the road to divorce. Reasons. Part 1” is based on a special public opinion survey carried out by UCE RESEARCH and law firm Nowy-Etap.pl. Only those who had unequivocally stated they had filed for divorce in court within the last five years were included in the survey.

Kamil Jura, co-author of the report, and divorce lawyer and mediator from Nowy-Etap.pl, explained that behind the often cited incompatibility of characters lies a variety of different problems.

The second most common reason, infidelity, is often the result of escalating problems in the relationship, such as lack of communication or emotional neglect. Addictions also have a significant impact on relationships and often contribute to neglect of family obligations, financial problems and conflicts. On the other end of the spectrum, physical or psychological violence in relationships is a persistent social problem that often remains hidden due to victims’ fear or shame.

Financial misunderstandings, closing the top five reasons, rarely constitute the sole cause of divorce, but often are a sign of deeper problems within the relationship. Only 5.1% of respondents highlighted this reason, with divorce lawyer Kamil Jura suggesting that financial transparency and joint planning can help to best avoid these conflicts.

Longer absence of one spouse accounts for 3.1% of divorces, while housing issues accounts for 2.1%. However, none of the respondents cited religious disputes as a reason for their divorce. Sexual mismatch affected 1% of those surveyed, ideological differences were indicated by 1.1%, while emotional disorders and mental illnesses accounted for 1.2%.

The report was carried out using a combination of CAWI and CATI methods. A total of 779 people took part in the survey, conducted between 17 and 27 September 2024.

Source: https://managerplus.pl/dlaczego-polacy-sie-rozwodza-zaskoczenia-nie-ma-trzy-powody-stanowia-blisko-70-proc-wszystkich-decyzji-26779

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