Vantage Group Recorded PLN 118.7 Million in Revenue in the First Half of 2024

COMPANIESVantage Group Recorded PLN 118.7 Million in Revenue in the First Half of 2024

Vantage Group, owned by TAG Immobilien and active in Poland’s institutional residential rental market (PRS), recorded revenues of PLN 118.7 million in the first half of 2024, with a gross margin of PLN 46.1 million. EBIT amounted to PLN 78.5 million, while net income reached PLN 70.7 million. Under the Vantage Rent brand, the group offers long-term rentals and is expanding its PRS market presence. Vantage currently manages over 2,800 rental units across Poland.

Vantage Group holds properties in Wrocław, Poznań, and Łódź, with a total of 14 developments. Additionally, it is constructing another 1,000 rental units in these cities and new markets such as the Tri-City. Together with TAG Group, Vantage offers over 84,400 rental units across Europe.

In 2024, Vantage secured EUR 90 million to refinance part of its rental housing portfolio for a 5-year period. This financing was provided by ERGO Group, one of Germany and Europe’s key insurance groups. VICTORIAPARTNERS acted as Vantage Group’s financial advisor. In August 2023, Vantage successfully completed an AA-series bond issuance, raising EUR 24 million, with a maturity of up to 4 years. Haitong Bank acted as the issuer under the Bond Issuance Program.

In addition, TAG Immobilien, Vantage’s parent company, successfully issued 5.5-year bonds with a fixed interest rate of 4.25%, totaling EUR 500 million (approximately PLN 2 billion). The issuance was significantly oversubscribed by institutional investors, demonstrating strong interest in TAG’s business model. The proceeds will be used for corporate purposes, including further development of the Polish rental portfolio, refinancing future obligations, and strengthening investment-grade ratings.

“Vantage is one of the leaders in institutional rentals in Poland. We have over 2,800 rental units in our portfolio and approximately 1,000 more under construction. Our land bank allows for the construction of over 5,500 rental units, showing the company’s strong growth potential. Additionally, we have significant commercial space potential of 26,400 m². Our development plans include expanding the rental portfolio to over 10,000 units by the end of 2028, extending our presence to more Polish cities, and continuing our ESG strategy while enhancing cooperation with the ROBYG Group. Vantage is committed to sustainable development. Our projects are built to the highest sustainability standards, which is key to environmental protection and the long-term value of our investments. Our shareholder, TAG Group, supports our dynamic growth not only financially but also through strong, stable investment-grade ratings,” said Oscar Kazanelson, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ROBYG and Vantage.

“Vantage’s financial results confirm the company’s dynamic growth and strengthening position in the PRS market in Poland. We have stable financing, supported by our shareholder TAG Group, which recently successfully issued EUR 500 million in bonds—about PLN 2 billion. As planned, a significant portion of these funds will be allocated to the development of our Polish rental portfolio,” stated Eyal Keltsh, President of ROBYG and Vantage.

“As the first PRS company, we introduced Smart Home systems in new rental properties. This option is now available at our new location in Wrocław and will be a standard feature in every new building added to our portfolio. The first batch of 415 smart apartments is now available for rent at Braniborska 58 in Wrocław. This innovative approach not only improves tenant comfort and safety but also aligns with our sustainability strategy. The Smart Home system offers features that enable efficient energy management, ultimately reducing tenants’ utility bills. These smart apartments are designed for modern residents who value convenience and security,” added Dariusz Pawlukowicz, Vice President of Vantage.

**Key Events in Vantage Group in H1 2024:**

– Expansion of the Poznań offering with 247 units at Czesława Niemena 2
– Publication of the third ESG Report
– Securing EUR 90 million for the refinancing of part of the rental housing portfolio for a 5-year period
– Opening a new rental office in Poznań
– Expansion of the Vantage Club benefits program
– Free consultations with a job coach, available in three languages (Polish, English, Ukrainian)
– Additional offerings for tenants: webinars and in-person meetings promoting sustainable transport

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