Unitrailer Holding acquires Dutch trailer manufacturer Henra

COMPANIESUnitrailer Holding acquires Dutch trailer manufacturer Henra

Unitrailer Holding has signed an agreement to acquire 100% of the shares in the Dutch company Henra Aanhangwagens. This takeover of the Dutch manufacturer marks the first international investment by the Świdnica-based company. Unitrailer is negotiating further acquisitions and plans to triple its revenues within two years and become number one in Europe.

Unitrailer Holding owns three Polish companies – Unitrailer, Temared and Martz – specializing in the production and distribution of everyday car trailers, tow trucks, as well as specialized transporters for transporting construction equipment, boats and motor sports accessories. The company’s clients are mainly individual customers and small and medium-sized enterprises. Unitrailer Holding is one of the leading European manufacturers and distributors of small car trailers and is the only company in the industry selling its products throughout the European Union and on all continents. Since 2023, the majority shareholder in the company has been the private equity fund, Vaalon Capital.

“With the support of our new investor, Vaalon Capital, we are accelerating the development of the group. We have very ambitious plans. We want to take an active part in the market consolidation and through further acquisitions and organic growth, become the industry leader in Europe” says Arkadiusz Marzec, the founder and president of Unitrailer Holding. “Henra is a well-known manufacturer of high-quality, top-tier trailers. Their offerings perfectly complement our product portfolio. We want to dynamically develop this company and strengthen its brand in Europe and worldwide.”

Henra, which has been operating for over 90 years, is a premium-class product manufacturer with a strong reputation in the European market. The company specializes in producing trailers with reinforced construction or increased depth, adapted for transporting machines, equipment with unusual dimensions and parameters. It is also known for producing horse transport trailers. The company is a leader in the production and sale of trailers in the Netherlands.

Through the partnership with Unitrailer Holding, Henra will gain access to modern production methods implemented in recent years by the Polish company and to a wide distribution network, which will support its expansion into European markets, including Germany. Meanwhile, the acquisition will allow brands belonging to Unitrailer Holding to strengthen their presence in Benelux countries.

“By joining the dynamically growing Unitrailer group, we have the chance to offer our products to new customers and thus accelerate the development of the company. Trailer sales are traditionally focused on the local market, although all manufacturers have ambitions to find themselves among the leading companies competing internationally. Customers throughout Europe should be given the chance to purchase top-quality trailers,” says Rutger Poldervaart, General Manager of Henra Aanhangwagens.

The acquisition of the Dutch manufacturer is the first step in the expansion of the Polish company in the distributed European market. In the coming months, Unitrailer plans to take over several foreign companies. The company assumes that thanks to acquisitions, its consolidated revenues will increase at least threefold in the next two years to about 300 million euros, and its market share in the European market will increase to 10-13%. The company also does not rule out the acquisition of trailer manufacturers in Poland.

“We see a lot of potential in the development of our group, which is associated with growing demand for smaller trailers in Southern and Eastern Europe. Society’s wealth is growing in these regions, lifestyle is changing, more people lead an active life and travel more,” says Arkadiusz Marzec. “Consolidation means benefits from sharing know-how and the effects of research and development work. This direction seems inevitable in the industry due to market competition and increasing customer requirements who are waiting for product innovations.”

Unitrailer Holding’s development accelerated in 2023 when the private equity fund, Vaalon Capital, took over 70% of the shares. A package of 30% is controlled by the president and founder of the company, Arkadiusz Marzec.

“We are proud to be able to support the development strategy of Unitrailer Holding in Europe” says Daniel Brol, Investment Director at Vaalon Capital. “Henra is a great brand, and its acquisition fits perfectly into the development vision of both companies.”

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