Polish Cosmetics Industry Thrives Amid Global Challenges, Poised for Future Growth Despite European Green Deal Regulations

BUSINESSPolish Cosmetics Industry Thrives Amid Global Challenges, Poised for Future Growth Despite European Green Deal Regulations

According to the latest report “Cosmetics Poland”, published seven years after the previous report on the state of the industry, the domestic cosmetics industry is in good health, growing annually, and its significance for the Polish economy and exports is increasing. The recipients of Polish cosmetics are changing, which is related to Brexit and sanctions imposed on Russia. Forecasts assume further growth of the sector’s value, however, it faces many challenges; the most important of which concern the implementation of the European Green Deal regulations.

“After seven years, we have managed to publish a new report on the state of the ‘Cosmetics Poland’ industry, which shows that we are in good condition and allows us to look optimistically into the future.” says Dr. Justna Żerańska, General Director of the Polish Cosmetics Industry Association. “We have resources to continue to develop, allocate more funds for research and development and investments. We are rapidly developing – 5.5 percent per year, we have strong exports, we are ranked fifth in Europe, ninth in the world. This data shows that we should be equivalent to the potential of Western economies in a couple of years.”

According to Cosmetics Europe data, cited in the “Cosmetics Poland” report by the Polish Cosmetics Industry Association and WiseEuropa, the value of the cosmetics market in Europe in 2023 reached 96 billion Euros (81 billion in the EU-27). Therefore, alongside America, Europe is the largest cosmetics market in the world. Germany leads the cosmetics market in terms of value (15.9 billion Euro), followed by France (13.7 billion Euro), Italy (12.5 billion Euro) and Spain (10.4 billion Euro). Poland is the fifth largest cosmetics market in the EU (5.2 billion Euro).

Between 2014-2023, the cosmetics market in the European Union grew by 34 percent, with the Polish market growing 75.3 percent, the second-best result in the European Union after Lithuania (98.9 percent).

Poland’s share in global GDP is about 1 percent, while its share in the world cosmetics export is already 3.8 percent, putting us in ninth position.

The “Cosmetics Poland. Cosmetic Industry Report” published in July 2024 reveals that Germany accounted for almost 22 percent of Polish cosmetics exports last year, while the UK and Russia, whose shares have been steadily declining, came in second and third.

In 2028, the cosmetics market in Poland is else forecast to reach 29.4 billion PLN.

According to Dr. Justyna Żerańska, the cosmetics industry in the Polish economy is very important and is one of those pointed out earlier as a champion of the Polish economy and has been supported by the government for years.

The cosmetics industry is now facing many challenges, mostly related to the implementation of the European Green Deal. These includes regulations related to packaging, waste, eco-design of products, and greenwashing prevention.

All these factors also affect the cosmetics industry. This is a very complex policy, which translates into specific regulations, so changes are taking place in 100 percent of our companies’ operations.

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