Poland’s Airspace Increasingly Violated: Balancing Security and Caution in Peacetime Response

SECURITYPoland’s Airspace Increasingly Violated: Balancing Security and Caution in Peacetime Response

The Polish airspace has been increasingly violated recently. Unfortunately, before an object is identified as alien, a significant amount of time passes. During this time, such objects may disappear from the radar of aircraft trying to intercept them. Additionally, if it cannot be ascertained that the threat warrants shooting down, such decisions are avoided. The execution of shooting down is carried out by firing various types of missile projectiles carried on aircraft or ground defense, which can sometimes cause more damage and losses than if the object was not taken down. Therefore, from a citizens’ safety perspective, shooting down unknown objects is often avoided.

“When we talk about threats, especially air space – in the reality of war today, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the level of threat seems relatively higher in public perception. However, Poland’s efforts as a NATO member, an Eastern flank country, and a supporter of Ukraine in this regard are also greater,” said reserve colonel Maciej Matysiak, Stratpoints Foundation expert and former deputy head of SKW, to eNewsroom.pl.

“We record many incidents of NATO airspace violation, not only in Poland but also in Baltic countries, Romania, Finland, Scandinavia. Land and sea borders are violated. This also applies to many different objects – from slowly flying drones to rockets, and even slowly flying balloons – which are not extraordinary, but today’s context makes us view them as potential threats. This means that there are possibilities for Russia to use these normal, meteorological airships for military and intelligence purposes as well. Today, many people ask themselves why such objects are not destroyed, shot down, or very strongly, kinetically, reacted to. Poland is not at war – therefore the reactions must be adjusted to peacetime. And during peacetime, the airspace over Poland is not closed – so whatever flies in the air cannot automatically be taken down,” explains Maciej Matysiak.

Source: https://managerplus.pl/polska-przestrzen-powietrzna-coraz-czesciej-naruszana-99967

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