Over 80% of Polish employees engaged in work, but expect better benefits offer

CAREERSOver 80% of Polish employees engaged in work, but expect better benefits offer

More than 80% of Polish employees admit they are committed to their work, and half declare that their company supports the commitment of its employees – these are findings from a survey conducted by Enpulse and Nais. The collected data also indicates that employers offer non-financial benefits more often than financial ones. Unfortunately, as many as 46% of respondents indicated that they lack specific benefits, such as medical care, sports cards, or the opportunity to participate in additional training to enhance their skills.

Employee engagement is one of the key elements affecting the condition of a company. Many factors influence this, including the benefits financial and non-financial ones offered by the employer. The purpose of the “Employee engagement and Benefits 2024” survey, conducted by Enpulse, a platform for studying employee engagement, and Nais, a modular platform for appreciating and rewarding employees, was to examine how employees perceive both of these elements today.

Polish citizen more engaged than the average European.

From the Enpulse and Nais survey, it turns out that the majority of us are engaged in performing our official duties. Half (50%) of native employees rate their engagement as 5, 33% as 4, and only 7% view themselves as insufficient in this matter. This means that Polish employees are engaged above the European average – according to data collected by the Gallup Institute, in Europe, only 13% of employees are engaged.

While, a high percentage of fully committed employees is a good thing, such individuals are more vulnerable to professional burnout. If all our energy is focused in one place, then unfortunately there comes a time of extreme burnout. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor employee engagement and react in time to worrying signs – says Magda Pietkiewicz, a labor market expert and creator of the Enpulse platform.

Do something well and talk about it loud and clear.

Just over half of the survey participants (52%) agreed that their company supports activities that build engagement, and every fifth (21%) declared that his organization does nothing in this regard. Interestingly, one in four respondents admitted that they are not sure whether their company supports such activities (21%) or did not have the appropriate information on this subject.

Magda Pietkiewicz emphasized: “Employee engagement is a key element of the success of every organization. It results in higher efficiency and less employee turnover, which in the long term has a positive impact on financial results and increases the company’s competitiveness in the market.”

Benefits are something more than cash bonuses.

56% of respondents agreed that non-financial benefits are a key element in employee engagement. The survey by Enpulse and Nais also shows that many Polish companies provide these types of benefit.

Nais founder Tomasz Józefacki argues: “It is worth noting that just over half (56%) of the respondents admit that they can benefit from financial benefits, and 76% declared that their company provides them with non-financial benefits. The conclusion that employers offer non-financial benefits more often than financial ones is actually a positive discrepancy, which indicates that entrepreneurs may find that offering employees benefits such as private medical care, lunch cards or life insurance can prove valuable. However, it is crucial that they meet the needs of employees. ”

Personalization is the key to increasing engagement.

A majority of respondents (56%) stated that the non-financial benefits offered in their companies are adequately matched and meet their expectations. Almost 25% of respondents gave their organization a negative assessment in this regard. A similar percentage (23%) of respondents had no opinion on the subject.

Józefacki concludes: “As expectations for benefits personalization increase, companies must adapt their offers to the individual needs of employees in order to effectively enhance their engagement.”

Source: https://managerplus.pl/ponad-80-polskich-pracownikow-zaangazowanych-w-prace-ale-oczekuja-lepszej-oferty-benefitow-15255

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