Mark Brzezinski: Trade relations between the USA and Poland are strong and growing stronger

BUSINESSMark Brzezinski: Trade relations between the USA and Poland are strong and growing stronger

“Trade relations between the USA and Poland are strong and growing stronger, I observe a great interest in conducting business here,” says Mark Brzezinski, the United States Ambassador to Poland, who last weekend received a special award in the 31st edition of the Polish Business Leader competition organized by the Business Centre Club, in recognition of his efforts in strengthening transatlantic ties. He points out that following the outbreak of war on Poland’s eastern border, Poland has shown itself in a very positive light, catching the attention of American business representatives and investors. On the other hand, the business community in Poland also shows a great interest in cooperation with American companies. “It is the task of diplomats to facilitate the development of these contacts,” emphasizes the ambassador.

“US-Polish relations are strong not only due to the relations between the governments of both countries, but also due to business relations. As US Ambassador to Poland, I can assure you that I currently observe a tremendous interest in conducting business in the local market. Poles have presented themselves to the world in the best possible way by mobilizing to help refugees from Ukraine, to act for democracy and ensure the security of their own state and the Western powers. It is a good time for Polish-American business,” Mark Brzezinski told the Newseria Biznes agency during the Grand Gala of Polish Business Leaders organized by BCC.

American companies are the second most important group of foreign investors in Poland, after German enterprises. A report published last year by the Warsaw School of Economics and the American Chamber of Commerce in Poland showed that the value of American investments in Poland at the end of 2021 was $26.1 billion, which corresponds to 4.1% of Poland’s GDP and constitutes 12% of all foreign investments in Poland’s market. In Poland, there are 1,576 enterprises belonging to American investors, which create 327,000 jobs, and the value of their assets is estimated at nearly $59 billion.

“I have been in Poland for two years and the trade relations between the USA and Poland are strong and getting stronger. I observe a great interest in doing business here as Poland provides, among other things, educated employees who have knowledge of advanced technologies. This makes it a place where Americans want to invest,” emphasizes the US Ambassador. “On the other hand, the business environment in Poland is also strongly oriented towards cooperation, and the Polish business sector shows a great interest in cooperation with American companies. I have about 600 coworkers in the embassy and each of these people – in addition to their specialization – also focuses on trade contacts. The task of diplomats is to facilitate the development of these contacts and promote beneficial cooperation between our countries. I am proud of the agreements in which we have mediated – the cooperation with Intel or the agreement with Westinghouse and Bechtel in the field of civil nuclear energy. These investments will create opportunities for Polish citizens.”

The US is a major partner in the construction of Poland’s first nuclear power plant. In September last year, the agreement for this project was signed by Polish Nuclear Power Plants and the Westinghouse-Bechtel consortium. The Americans will supply three AP1000 reactors. Westinghouse also announced the establishment of an engineering center in Poland and additional investments to support training and development of workers in the nuclear energy sector. According to Poland’s nuclear energy program, the first reactor at a plant in Pomerania is scheduled to start operating in 2033.

At present, energy is one of the main areas of bilateral cooperation, along with defense and arms production. For years, Poland has been one of the main allies of the USA in Central and Eastern Europe, and in the face of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the threat that Russia poses to NATO countries, this cooperation in the field of security has been further tightened. Currently, Poland is the hub of the American military and political presence in the region of Central and Eastern Europe.

“Thanks to NATO membership, Poland is secure. It can be a normal country despite being a neighbor to a war zone,” says Mark Brzezinski. “In the coming years, Poland will be the first line of defense in the crisis in Ukraine.”

Over the past weekend, the United States Ambassador to Poland, Mark Brzezinski, received a special award in the Polish Business Leader competition organized by the Business Centre Club. The committee recognized him for his services in strengthening and developing Polish entrepreneurship and his effort in deepening transatlantic ties.

“This award means a lot to me personally because Poland had an important place in my family home in the United States. I grew up together with my brother and sister, we were typical American teenagers, but my father was born Polish. Poland is therefore important in my life, and the fact that I am the US ambassador to Poland today means a lot to me,” emphasizes Mark Brzezinski. “I am very grateful for the hospitality and reception I have experienced in Poland during the two years I have spent here.”

For more than 30 years, the BCC has been awarding special awards of the Polish Business Leader competition to outstanding individuals who come from outside the entrepreneurial environment but nevertheless significantly contribute to the development of entrepreneurship and the market economy in Poland. Past winners include Margaret Thatcher, Angela Merkel, George Bush, Jerzy Buzek, Madeleine Albright, Jacques Chirac, Lech Wałęsa, Tony Blair, Bronisław Geremek and the priest Adam Boniecki. During this year’s BCC gala, the special award – alongside Ambassador Mark Brzezinski – was also given to Professor Adam Bodnar, former Ombudsman and current Minister of Justice, honored for his actions in favor of the rule of law and stability.

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