How Global Economic Changes Shape the Future of Workspaces

REAL ESTATEHow Global Economic Changes Shape the Future of Workspaces

Global economic transformations are impacting the way companies function and workplaces are designed. The report “25 trends that will change your office by 2025” developed by Walter Herz, in collaboration with experts from Workplace, ISS Poland, DECISIVE Szmigiel, Papros, Gregorczyk, and Brill AV Media, describes the leading trends determining the direction of the office market in Poland.

“The analysis shines a light on the main factors of change happening within the office sector. The information in the report can serve as inspiration for creating cost-effective and spatially optimal office environments in response to the new workspace. It also provides information on innovations in space design and management, as well as technological solutions being introduced into offices, and the new clauses being added to contracts”, says Mateusz Strzelecki, Partner/Head of Tenant Representation at Walter Herz.

Office Market

The main trends shaping today’s office market are explained by Jaroslaw Zdzitowiecki, head of Walter Herz’s branch in the Tri-city area. “The rise of hybrid work means that there is an increasing trend for tenants to choose smaller spaces and for companies to focus on buildings that offer high quality, located in attractive environments in central parts of cities. Comfortable offices that use modern technical solutions and offer a friendly environment are gaining importance”, admits Jarosław Zdzitowiecki.

Offices are becoming a place for meetings, building relationships, team spirit, and company atmosphere. They are spaces that, with the right arrangement, promote team integration.

Characteristic for the office market is a low supply of new space. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find a good address that attracts employees. New investments are limited. Demand for the best spaces in city centers exceeds supply.

The challenges for market participants include rising fit-out costs and service charges. There is a trend to reduce costs associated with finishing and arranging new offices. The share of renegotiations in the lease structure is growing.

There is also a visible search by tenants for the possibility of controlling operating costs. Space optimization is leading to an increase in subletting offerings.


Office design and the functional profile of workplaces are changing dramatically. Main tendencies in this area are defined by Bogusz Parzyszek, CEO and founder of Workplace. “The leading trend in office arrangement is related to the need to build company culture and consciously shape social and organizational aspects of the working environment. The designed space must effectively animate the employee community, fostering integration and cooperation”, explains Bogusz Parzyszek.

Base of design processes is experimenting. One of the directions is the implementation of neuroscientific guidelines, which is intended to support physical and mental regeneration through design and applied amenities.

A change in narration sets a course for designers. Workplaces are being adapted to the needs of people who regularly use offices, throwing out attempts to attract all employees to them.

“To optimize office spaces and improve their operational efficiency, data analytics and computational model-based technologies are used. Intelligent workspace management involving, for example, reservation systems that read the actual use of space minimizes resource wastage,” informs Bogusz Parzyszek.

Productive innovation is a trend based on the belief that the designed space should promote the achievement of a state of mind referred to as productive-innovative.

Fit-out and Build

In her report, Alicja Muszalska, architect in the Capital Projects team at ISS, lists the indicators of modern fit-out. Durability means designing spaces using durable and high-quality materials and equipment derived from recycling.

Moderation involves creating spaces that will be cost and environmentally effective, which includes recycling materials, reducing the consumption of utilities and BMS and IOT systems. This is also related to the design of multifunctional, boutique offices equipped with the best AV equipment.

Usefulness is a trend regulating issues such as diversity and inclusiveness. The space is designed in such a way that it promotes building social bonds in diverse groups and the entire team.

Managing paradox involves finding a golden mean to neutralize conflicts of interests when social aspects stand in opposition to environmental ones.


Planning of offices is key to technology. The latest solutions implemented in offices are described by Cezary Gromko, AV Integrations Account Manager at Brill AV Media. In his opinion, one of the fastest-growing trends related to projects in the area of office space arrangement is the integration of podcast studios. “Companies see huge benefits from introducing solutions that go beyond traditional AV technology applications. Podcast studios significantly improve internal communication in organizations, while at the same time being an attractive benefit for employees. Podcasts streamed externally can be used as part of a company’s content marketing strategy.”, says Cezary Gromko.

Another solution being introduced to offices are interactive monitors, which help visualize ideas and boost the creativity of project work. USB-C technology enables the connection of office laptops, monitors, power, and peripherals with a single cable, leaving a “clean desk.”

The development of LED technology and device miniaturization means that modern audio-video solutions are more discreet and aesthetic. Innovative workplaces also use interactive spaces in relaxation zones where employees can engage in various creative forms of entertainment and education.

Andrzej Szmigiel, Partner in the law firm DECISIVE Szmigiel, Papros, Gregorczyk, talks about new clauses in contracts in the report. “New in lease agreements are clauses related to Service Level Agreements, which secure the level of services provided by landlords. Lease agreements are also increasingly seeing clauses requiring landlords to have appropriate building certificates, use energy-saving solutions and green energy,” says Andrzej Szmigiel.

More and more tenants are trying to introduce clauses allowing for the negotiation of individual energy supply contracts and ensuring technical possibilities for independence in this area. Increasing importance is also attached to precisely defining and taking into account force majeure issues. New contract provisions also concern sanctions imposed by the USA and the European Union in connection with the actions of totalitarian regimes that have affected some entities.


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