Data4 Announces €300 Million Investment in a New Data Center Campus in Greece

COMPANIESData4 Announces €300 Million Investment in a New Data Center Campus in Greece

Data4, a leading European data center operator, announced during the Platform Global 2024 event its first major investment of over €300 million to develop a new data center campus in Paiania, in the Athens region of Greece. This investment is part of the group’s €7 billion European expansion plan, aiming to establish Data4 as the leading data center operator in Europe by 2030. The group operates across several European markets, including France, Italy, Spain, Poland (with a data center campus near Warsaw targeting 60 MW, where the second facility is under construction), Germany, and is now entering the promising Greek market, a key connectivity hub in the Mediterranean region.

“The announcement of this new investment is another step towards making Data4 Group even more competitive, opening the door to offering top-quality services to even larger clients across different regions in Europe. By 2030, the number of data centers in Europe is expected to grow 2.5 times, reaching around 23 GW of installed capacity. According to Data4’s research, nearly half of this capacity (11 GW) should be dedicated to artificial intelligence, and Greece, like Poland, will not be an exception to this fundamental trend,” explains Adam Ponichtera, Director of Data4’s Polish branch.

The new campus will be located in an industrial zone, ensuring proximity to significant energy resources. The facility, called ATH1, will be built on a 7.5-hectare site in Paiania and will be powered by up to 90 MW. A data center campus acts as a catalyst for the local job market, driving employment and stimulating the economy. The scope of specialization for ATH1’s employees will be broad, including managers, engineers, technicians, and more. Data4 estimates that by 2030, it will create over 7,000 permanent jobs across its European campuses, including over 500 permanent positions at the Greek campus.

“We are delighted to expand our presence in Greece—a country that offers strategic advantages in terms of location, connectivity, and economic potential. This investment will not only support our growth ambitions but also make a significant contribution to the local economy and digital ecosystem in Greece. Data centers are a secure solution for managing data for businesses and public administration, supporting the development of cloud services and artificial intelligence, and are essential for efficient and sustainable digital technologies for Greek citizens,” said Olivier Micheli, President of Data4 Group.

Greece: A Strategic Communication Hub

Greece’s advantageous position as a communication hub between Europe, Asia, and Africa makes it an ideal location for international connectivity projects. The country’s integration into the global network is further strengthened by the presence of several major submarine cables, such as the AAE-1 cable system, which connects Greece with key markets in the Far East, the Middle East, and Africa. It is estimated that by the end of 2024, 20 submarine cables will connect Greece with the Middle East, North Africa (MENA), and Asia. At the same time, the Greek data center market is rapidly growing, with its total capacity expected to more than double by 2030.

Innovation, Sustainability, and AI Development

With the rise of artificial intelligence, the ability of data centers to process vast amounts of data in real-time is becoming even more critical. AI leverages the computing power of data centers to analyze, interpret, and predict trends, optimizing resource management and improving core services offered to citizens. In an era where data-driven decisions are crucial, data center infrastructure, supported by AI, forms the foundation for building sustainable digital growth. To ensure this, Data4 Group plans to obtain a BREEAM “Excellent” certification for its data centers in Greece. This certification covers key criteria such as energy efficiency, water resource management, the use of sustainable materials like low-emission concrete, and biodiversity protection. By meeting these rigorous standards, Data4 will be one of the first BREEAM-certified data centers in Europe and the first in Greece, setting a new benchmark for sustainability in the industry.

Moreover, Data4 Group has introduced several innovations across its campuses in Europe, aimed at reducing environmental impact. These include the use of AI models to improve energy efficiency and extend equipment lifespan through predictive maintenance. AI is used to increase the resilience and scalability of the company’s data centers, making them better equipped to handle the growing demands associated with AI technology development.

Source: [ManagerPlus](

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