Cloud Security at Risk: 76% of Organizations Report a Shortage of Cybersecurity Experts

SECURITYCloud Security at Risk: 76% of Organizations Report a Shortage of Cybersecurity Experts

Throughout the last year, 61% of organizations encountered at least one incident related to the use of the public cloud. Another significant barrier is the lack of qualified personnel, with 32% of respondents citing this as a primary problem. Moreover, a whopping 76% of respondents report a shortage of cybersecurity experts within their organizations. Despite facing ever-increasing advanced threats, 52% of them rated their teams’ abilities as average or below.

In Poland, there is a desperate need for around 10,000 specialists in the field of cybersecurity, according to representatives of the Digital Affairs Institute.

Organizations are increasingly turning to cloud solutions; however, they lack the necessary skills to protect them effectively. Survey results show that over half of the professionals dealing with cybersecurity rate their teams as average or below in terms of skills in this field. It is estimated that in Poland alone, there is a shortage of approximately 10,000 cybersecurity specialists – as estimated by the representatives of the Digital Affairs Institute.

In the past year, 61% of organizations have endured at least one incident associated with the use of a public cloud – reveals Check Point Software. This is a considerable increase compared to 24% recorded the previous year. The most common incidents were data breaches, leading to severe financial penalties and reputational damage. With the upcoming NIS2 directive, the impact of such data leaks could be even more devastating.

One of the significant challenges organizations face is a lack of awareness about security among employees – indicated by 41% of the experts. Another prominent barrier is the lack of qualified personnel, with 32% of respondents listing this problem as crucial. The lack of cybersecurity skills significantly increases vulnerability to advanced attacks.

Despite the growing awareness of training in cybersecurity, 44% of organizations only conduct such training once a year. Only 26% of companies organize training every month, leading to a widening gap in skills and higher susceptibility to sophisticated cyber-attacks.

Shortage of cybersecurity experts

According to Check Point’s survey, as many as 76% of respondents indicate a lack of cybersecurity specialists in their organizations. Despite the growth of complex threats, 52% of them evaluate their team’s proportion as average or below, which amplifies the risk of financial losses stemming from successful cyber-attacks.

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technology amplifies the demand for new skills. 49% of respondents believe that their security specialists must acquire new AI-related skills, and 35% fear that a lack of knowledge in this field will hinder AI implementation. Access to training and resources is crucial to overcoming these barriers.

Analysts from Check Point Software believe that companies must revise their approach to security, emphasizing education, prevention, and the use of advanced technological solutions. According to the report, 36% of organizations are unsure of their ability to cope with unknown threats and zero-day attacks like Log4j, while 55% have some level of trust but still express concerns.


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