Carbon Studio Begins Work on Its Largest Project, “Hermes,” Co-Financed by Meta

COMPANIESCarbon Studio Begins Work on Its Largest Project, "Hermes," Co-Financed by Meta

Carbon Studio S.A. has just concluded its work on the prototype and demo version of a new IP game, significantly co-financed by Meta. Following a crucial agreement with Meta Platform Technologies LLC, the company is now beginning work on a vertical slice of the title, tentatively titled “Hermes,” which, due to the high budget, is the largest production in its history. Carbon Studio expects to complete the work on its new simulator in 2026, which has already sparked interest among leading game publishers.

“We are extremely excited as, thanks to our developmental collaboration with Meta, we are undertaking the most considerable project in Carbon Studio’s history. We signed the most critical agreement this year, which involves our partner co-financing a significant part of the work on the production. They also provide marketing support, which will undoubtedly translate into the sales results of the new game. We also notice substantial interest in the “Hermes” project from the biggest game publishers – not only in the VR area, which makes us pleased as we remain open to conversations with new partners,” says Błażej Szaflik, President of Carbon Studio.

The ambitious project codenamed “Hermes” is inspired by the Greek god of travelers and transport. Its realization comes in response to the enormous interest in simulator titles among PC and VR game fans.

Carbon Studio has already started work on the vertical slice stage, aimed at producing a representative, fully functional part of production, showcasing its most essential mechanics, style, and user interface.

“The vertical slice stage is a key phase of production because achieving it will reveal the full potential stemming from innovative solutions and the advanced mechanics of the simulator. We are confident that the new production will appeal to both simulator fans and other players who like engaging and immersive gameplay. This ensures that we work on the ‘Hermes’ project with great enthusiasm, looking forward to the moment when the production will get into players’ hands,” summarizes the President of Carbon Studio.

The planned deadline for realizing the vertical slice is the end of 2024. Carbon Studio plans to complete all work on the project, currently titled “Hermes,” in 2026. The exact release date will be revealed in a separate current ESPI report.


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