BCC Appeals for Real Support for Flood-Affected Entrepreneurs and Launches Legal Aid Campaign

BUSINESSBCC Appeals for Real Support for Flood-Affected Entrepreneurs and Launches Legal Aid Campaign

The BCC appeals to the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Family, Labour, and Social Policy for real assistance to entrepreneurs and initiates a support campaign for victims of the devastating flood in southwest Poland.

The Employers’ Association BCC appealed to Prime Minister Donald Tusk for the implementation of real steps to support entrepreneurs who suffered losses as a result of the flood.

“The past few days have proven that Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s promise that “every flood victim is entitled to immediate aid of 10,000 zlotys” has not been reflected in the acts and guidelines issued by the responsible ministries. This aid, contrary to promises, only applies to residents of the flooded localities, and not to those who conducted business activities in these towns, even though the latter are also undoubtedly victims of the flood,” emphasize BCC experts.

The BCC recommends taking urgent steps by undertaking the following actions:

  • Issuing explicit guidelines stating that if an entrepreneur resides in a flood zone, they are entitled to aid in the form of an immediate benefit of 10,000 zlotys, and funds for the renovation or reconstruction of residential buildings up to 200,000 zlotys, and commercial buildings up to 100,000 zlotys, regardless of their occupation. Depriving these entrepreneurs of assistance related to their private homes is unjust discrimination;
  • Release clear guidelines indicating that if an entrepreneur resides in a flood zone and conducts business in a residential building, they are entitled to aid in the form of an immediate benefit of 10,000 zlotys and funds for repairing or rebuilding residential buildings up to 200,000 zlotys and commercial buildings up to 100,000 zlotys. It should not matter which part of the property was damaged; if businesses on the ground floor are destroyed, the building is uninhabitable;
  • Extend the aid regarding the benefits described above to entrepreneurs who do not reside in the flooded areas but conduct business there and their commercial premises have been destroyed by defining “commercial building” in such a way that the concept also includes buildings designed for conducting business activities. These entrepreneurs are in the same dire situation as residents of flooded cities and towns and have been unjustifiably excluded from assistance;
  • Establish urgently the principles of aid for entrepreneurs who, although not directly affected by the flood, are feeling its repercussions linked to a sudden drop in income (e.g., tourism facilities directly adjacent to the flood-hit areas).

Free legal aid

In the face of tragedy and property loss, people often do not know how to react and what rights they are entitled to. The BCC’s lawyers advise flood victims about their rights, obligations, and best solutions.

“Our organization and its members have been providing material and financial support to residents of flood-affected areas since the early days of the flood. Facing this enormous tragedy, we decided to also address the information deficit. That’s why, on September 20th, we launched free legal consultations for individuals and entrepreneurs.” says Joanna Torbé, BCC’s labour law and social security expert.

BCC lawyers provide free advice in the following areas:

  1. Taxes and Social Insurance (ZUS, KRUS) – deductions, deferring tax and ZUS payments in areas affected by the flood;
  2. Labour Law – for employees and employers alike;
  3. Contract Law/Agreements in Business Activity – for entrepreneurs facing difficulties fulfilling their obligations due to force majeure;
  4. State Flood Aid for Individuals and Entrepreneurs – grants, allowances, one-time immediate assistance and more;
  5. Loans – if you have problems with repaying loan obligations, property burdened with a loan that was destroyed by the flood;
  6. Private Insurance (private policies) – if you were insured and would like to know how to claim compensation and reimbursement.

Source: https://managerplus.pl/apel-do-premiera-o-realne-wsparcie-dla-przedsiebiorcow-bedacych-ofiarami-powodzi-27191

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