B-Act Records a 30% Increase in Sales Revenue in the First Half of 2024

COMPANIESB-Act Records a 30% Increase in Sales Revenue in the First Half of 2024

In the first half of this year, B-Act Company generated PLN 8 million in sales revenue, an increase of 30% yoy. EBITDA and net profit amounted to PLN 824 and 582 thousand, respectively, which is a worse result by 14 and 15% compared to the corresponding period last year. This is due to investments in new projects, the positive effects of which on the financial results of the company are expected at the end of this year and next. As of August 7, the company’s backlog is valued at PLN 102 million.

The value of all contracts signed by the company amounts to PLN 154 million, of which PLN 102 million remains to be invoiced. Since the beginning of the year, B-Act signed eight contracts for new projects, from which it may receive revenue in excess of PLN 50 million gross.

– “What’s characteristic of our industry is that we complete most settlements with partners in the second half of the year, and as I already mentioned, it’s worth looking at our company’s financial results from an annual perspective. We are constantly actively looking for opportunities to carry out new orders. Recently, we have started operations in a new region in Ukraine and also completed our first project in the German market. We constantly think about further company development, also through foreign expansion to new markets, such as Kazakhstan” – says Adam Białachowski, CEO of B-Act SA.

In the second quarter, the company also adopted a dividend policy for 2023-2025. According to it, the management board of B-Act will present the general meeting the recommendation and proposal for the division of the net profit earned for a given financial year, and the amount of the dividend will be dependent on the profit and financial capabilities of the company. This year, B-Act allocated PLN 685 thousand for dividends, representing 43% of the net profit from 2023.

– “Our development plans are ambitious, but realistic. We want to continue expanding to new markets while ensuring solid financial foundations. The dividend policy we adopted reflects our commitment to creating value for shareholders, while investing in the further development of the company” – adds Adam Białachowski.

Source: https://managerplus.pl/b-act-sa-notuje-wzrost-przychodow-o-30-spadek-zysku-netto-plany-ekspansji-na-nowe-rynki-i-polityka-dywidendowa-2025

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