AI Leader Leszek Ortyński Joins KPMG Poland’s Financial Services Division

COMPANIESAI Leader Leszek Ortyński Joins KPMG Poland's Financial Services Division

Leszek Ortyński has joined KPMG’s Financial Services Division in Poland as the Director and Leader for Data Science and AI. He will be responsible for managing and enhancing the technical skills of the consulting and expert team in the field of data analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. His tasks also include managing product solution delivery projects for clients, ensuring high implementation standards.

Leszek Ortyński has nearly 25 years of experience in the financial sector and consulting, gained in both Polish and international financial institutions. He has created and managed expert teams, carrying out numerous complex business, regulatory, and technology projects and programs worldwide. He specializes in developing and implementing AI models and solutions based on artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI (genAI), which generate lasting value for clients.

“Joining the KPMG team, a company with immense experience and global renown in providing AI products and services to clients, is an honor for me. Together with the KPMG team, we will support clients in creating, implementing, and business adoption of AI-based solutions.” – says Leszek Ortyński, Director in the Financial Services Department, Leader for Data Science and AI at KPMG in Poland.

KPMG in Poland supports clients from building awareness through advising in the search and evaluation of areas highly susceptible to AI, implementation, scaling, and maintenance, assisting in choosing optimal technologies, platforms, and standards for building artificial intelligence solutions. The service includes the analysis of the current process, defining the target process, and collecting functional and non-functional requirements for the IT solution.

“Corporations should invest in advanced knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence to build a competitive advantage based on the opportunities offered by GenAI. I am convinced that Leszek Ortyński’s highest-class competencies and experience gained in the world’s largest banks will contribute to the further development of the AI department in KPMG in Poland for the benefit of our clients” – says Andrzej Gałkowski, Partner, Leader of Consulting for the banking sector, Head of AI at KPMG in Poland.

“We are proud of our expanded competencies in AI implementations, which include over 100 different business applications. We support our clients at every stage of transformation, choosing optimal technologies and standards for building artificial intelligence solutions. We are delighted to welcome a new Leader at the level of Director to our team, who will undoubtedly contribute to the further development and success of our projects” – says Iwona Galbierz-Sztrauch, Partner, Head of Financial Services at KPMG in Poland.

Data Science and artificial intelligence open up a range of unprecedented data use opportunities in the organization. Effective implementation of AI algorithms allows for building a competitive advantage in many areas from sales, marketing, customer service, procurement, risk management. By incorporating artificial intelligence into their operations, businesses can generate significant savings (intelligent automation), streamline planning processes (predictive analytics), increase revenue and profitability (prescriptive analytics), or strengthen management information for better strategic management (Augmented Analytics).


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