Friday, June 28, 2024

Deloitte: Poland enters the phase of economic expansion

The divergence of economic moods in Poland...

Two Years On: War in Ukraine and Its Global Impact

On February 24, 2022, a full-scale Russian...

The Impact of AI on Job Markets and Productivity: PwC’s Global AI Jobs Barometer 2024

Sectors more sensitive to the influence of artificial intelligence (including programming and financial analysis) are experiencing nearly five times (4.8x) higher productivity growth, according to the first Global AI...

The Growing Role of Generative AI in Business and Banking

The role of generative AI in business is growing: 43% of enterprises worldwide, including...

NATO-Ukraine Defense Innovators Forum at AGH University in Krakow

At the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, the NATO-Ukraine Defense Innovators...

Climate Change Concerns and AI Development Shape the Lives of Young Poles

Concerns related to climate change significantly influence the lifestyle and work habits of young...

Organizations with High Expertise in Generative AI Report Significant Benefits in Product Development and Innovation

Organizations with a high level of knowledge in generative artificial intelligence are more likely...

Business will fully utilize technological capabilities – including AI, when it 100% commits to cloud computing

The fascination with artificial intelligence continues at its peak. This technology offers numerous opportunities for companies, but it also presents certain challenges. These include...

Understanding Our Kids Online: An Empathetic Approach

We live in a world that is neither entirely virtual nor entirely real. It is a dynamically changing hybrid, in which digital space becomes...

AI Revolution in Banking: Generative Tech to Boost Revenue and Personalize Services

According to the report "Capturing the full value of generative AI in banking" published by Kinsey & Company, GenAI has the potential to increase...

The EU AI Act: A Game Changer for Responsible AI Development

On March 13, the European Parliament adopted the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act). The new regulations allow the creation of a legal environment that,...

President of UKE: We have delays in broadband network construction. Poland has completed 80-90% of the Digital Decade plan

"We are at 80-90% of the Digital Decade plan," says Jacek Oko, President of the Office of Electronic Communications , admitting that Poland has...

Generative artificial intelligence and industrial metaverse among the most important technological trends this year

The latest technological trends show companies that in the era of generative tools, maintaining an integrated business strategy, strong technological foundations, and a creative...

Nest Bank announces the introduction of N!Assistant based on Microsoft’s GPT-4 language model

Nest Bank has announced that it will soon launch N!Assistant – a feature set to revolutionize customer interaction with the bank. This will be...

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Banking: Perspectives and Challenges

In the dynamic environment of banking, technologies based on artificial intelligence and machine learning have become an integral part of digital transformation. They open...

Only 6% of retail banks are ready for AI-based transformation

Eighty percent of retail bank directors believe that generative artificial intelligence represents a significant step in the development of AI technology. However, only 6%...

AI Revolution in Banking: ING Hackathon Explores Efficiency, Security, and Customer Experience

The banking sector will be one of the biggest beneficiaries of the widespread use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the coming years,...

Artificial Intelligence is Getting Closer to the Human Way of Acquiring Knowledge. Scientists have Developed a Model that Learns Language Like Children

Scientists at New York University have developed a machine learning model that mimics the way children learn language. Using video and audio recordings from...

Tiny Titans: Micro-Robots Revolutionizing Diverse Fields

Scientists from Washington State University are working on the smallest, lightest, and fastest micro-robots ever created. Such devices, inspired by mechanisms known from nature,...

Polish Lunar Rover Aims to Revolutionize Celestial Exploration

Yesterday at the European Space Agency's Center for Space Research and Technology (ESA-ESTEC), Polish engineers from the company Astronika presented the completed mechanism of...

New AI Act needs implementation plan – Polish presidency could lead

On Wednesday, March 13, the European Parliament approved the AI Act, the first regulation of its kind encompassing a broad area of artificial intelligence....

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